There will be no vindication for you……

Profanity ALERT!

Dear Andrew Breitbart,

               Just because Congressman Weiner was forced to confess and apologize for something that is none of your fucking business-that does not, somehow, make you any less of a sleazebag, richly deserving to be beaten with an inch of your worthless life. The only real crime he committed was forgetting that the world is full of slimy people like you out there-just waiting to exploit his electronic communications for your own personal gain.

               Please spare the moral lectures-coming you from they hold absolutlely no credibility. Especially since I know that had it been Sarah Palin with a picture of a BBC in her mouth and sent over Twitter-you would be leading the herd to edit the Wikipedia page to tell the story that there was a snake bite and she was the only person within miles to suck the venom out. You are that one sided and biased.

               I feel sorry for Weiner, and I think that once again-a golden opportunity was missed to tell you and the rest of your sick herd of sycophants to go f*ck yourselves. Instead of dodging, he should have pulled a Krystal Ball.

Ball (and good lord, these politicians could not have better names for these scandals) was a long-shot congressional candidate in Virginia last fall. There were embarrassing photos of her that hit the Internet, showing her fellating a reindeer nose. Instead of dropping out, or crawling under a rock, Ball said: “Society has to accept that women of my generation have sexual lives that are going to leak into the public sphere. Sooner or later, this is a reality that has to be faced, or many young women in my generation will not be able to run for office.”

             He could have stood up from the start and said,”Yea, they are mine. And what fucking business is it of Andrew Breitbart’s who I correspond with?” And then point out that that is all he is going to say and you can go fuck yourself. As has been pointed out, “One thing that strikes me about the questions being asked, and about this entire scandal from the get-go, is the presumption of a single standard of monogamy for all, and the ready assumption held by many in the press that it’s within bounds to enforce that standard on public figures.  But during this press conference, Weiner noted that his wife was aware of the flirtations before they married.  If Weiner and his wife have a private agreement about his flirtations, I fail to see how this is any business of anyone else’s.  The tenor of questions implied that Weiner somehow owes sexual fidelity not to his wife so much as to the rest of us.” Until someone fills me on on the quantity and quality of the life and services Mrs Weiner was providing-I’ll not pass judgement, thank you very much.

           You want to talk about whats’ moral-starting a wars without end is pretty up there-so is the idea of condemning over a 1 million workers to unemployment, just to prove some sort of “principle”.-Now that’s something to get fired up about. But you defend that kind of immoral conduct every day.

            So don’t get too high on your high horse-what goes around comes around you bastard-and eventually you are going to be made to suffer for your egregiousness.  You still suck.

             Oh and here’s a Tweet for you:

       Now go to hell,


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