Far East Cynic

Malevolent surgery

ma·lev·o·lent? ?/m??l?v?l?nt/ –adjective
1. wishing evil or harm to another or others; showing ill will; ill-disposed; malicious: His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful.
2. evil; harmful; injurious: a malevolent inclination to destroy the happiness of others.
3. Astrology . evil or malign in influence.

That is what fully 60% of the cuts made by our Galtian overlords this past week are.

Remember this one-the next time you get on a plane:

PASSENGERS fainted when a 5-foot hole opened in the roof of a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 flying from Phoenix to Sacramento last week. The most frightening moment may have been when, as one passenger said, “You could look out and see blue sky.”

[But] on [that] very day … the House of Representatives passed a bill likely to make it more difficult to detect and prevent midair ruptures, metal fatigue and other serious flight risks.

The bill would cut $4 billion from the Federal Aviation Administration’s $37 billion budget. Representative John L. Mica, a Florida Republican who is the chairman of the House Transportation Committee, says the bill would streamline F.A.A. programs and promised the bill would “not negatively impact aviation safety.

After all-you must be just a leech on society if you don’t own your own Gulfstream.

H/T to Balloon-Juice.

  1. no no skippys. You’re a fucking leech on society when you force the Air Force to provide a G IV to fly you and your cronies coast to coast year after year whenever the urge takes you. Anybody springing to mind? You know, leechish, bloodsucker? What is her name. boxer….no but it wouldn’t surprise me. oaha Feinstein.

    you have not yet begun to understand the cuts.

    And guess why don’t you exactly how many $ the FAA spent on x-raying and inspecting aircraft? yeah, that’d be zero. Why must you guys always make it out as so scary that we’re eliminating things like Mohair boards, Alpaca subsidies….

  2. The rupture occured before the money was cut, so while the FAA had the money in their budget, and it still did not prevent this occurance.

    “Old people will die, children will starve, planes will fall from the sky, trains will plummit into ravines, water will run black from our faucets, air will stagnant, but this can all be fixed if we hire more government workers!

  3. Cy,

    A true Galtian response. Don’t look at the process-just whine about idea that government might actually do something useful for the society as a whole. Or rather, maybe this is all part of the Randian conspiracy to make trains relevant again.


    Like so many things you are wrong. The FAA has inspection bureaus in various places. And as for the rest of the cuts-they are bad in many ways. Take the hit the State Department took-one of the biggest beefs the military has is that State is not filling its share of billets. They certainly won’t now.

  4. The inspection on the 737-300 was carried out a year before and all was well…
    But My Galtian overlords fly Airbus so we don’t have any worries.

  5. There are things only state can do reliably, and this includes that everybody keeps the safety standards… sad but true. I am myself in the camp of Comrade Deng and his cat color theory. It doesnt matter if something is state-operated or private-owned, if it works it is good, if it doesnt, it is bad.

  6. Skippy,

    Safe enough in 2008 right? Now why is it not safe enough to return the fed to the same budget we had in 2008? Why did it have to go up more than a trillion $? Oh I know, how utterly Galtian of me. I told my parents I would read that book but still haven’t gotten around to it. Glad all the democrats are reading it.

    And complaining about not having folks from state along is like asking for French support in war.

    Seriously man, 20,000 State employees in the embassy in Iraq. I pity the poor Iraqis.

  7. No skippy, that is sarcasm. Every cut that has been brought forth by the new majority in congress has been met by you with a chicken little responce.

    Get your head out of the trough and see what is really happening to your country.

  8. Because for the most part-the cuts are misdirected. When I see significant cuts and vertical cuts, along with targeted tax increases-then I will know the country is serious. Till then, they need to stop cutting things that have meaning and value for the country.

    Sadly it would appear the 27% percenters cannot see that.

    Day after day I read stories that make me angry. Wanton consumption is glorified. Corruption is rewarded. Ordinary people see their real income dropping, their houses sold out from under them, their pensions plundered, their unions legislated against, their health care still under attack.

    That’s what is really happening to this country-and it is being enabled by teabagger assholes.

  9. “the cuts are mis-directed”
    Well, thats the rub and nub of the conundrum..in Skippy’s world, where the sky is never blue, here in Shopping Mall, the cuts are mis-directed but, the “other” side feels differently but the point is moot with a President has the veto power..but you know all this you just want to make a point that the tea party are the spawn of Satan and shopping Mall incest…
    Do you remember the DHS revelationa year or so ago: That IF all the departments were to collectively buy office supplies they could save money? I know thats a SMALL point(think F-35) but this is this MIND set of washington…its AIN”T MY money so…….
    There is plenty of money its just spent unwisely.

  10. The other side is wrong-Richard. The sooner you accept that the easier it will be. And the Tea Party is the spawn of Satan.

  11. ewok,

    The Post Office ring a bell with you? AMTRACK? Atomic waste disposal? Asbestos? Just starting with the “a”s. Can’t wait to get up to BATF and FBI HRT.

  12. Curtis: “Now why is it not safe enough to return the fed to the same budget we had in 2008? Why did it have to go up more than a trillion $? ”

    First, I’ll believe the trillion $ figure when a reliable source states it. And please note that putting war spending onto the budget where it belongs is not an increase in spending, but rather reducing budget fraud.

    As for why to increase government spending, please go back and read Econ 101.

  13. Curtis,

    Federal Spending did not go up by 1 trillion dollars. The difference between the FY2008 and the FY-2010 budget is 400 million. What did happen is that revenues dropped off a lot in 2009 as a result of the recession making 2008’s carried forward deficit bigger than expected and aggravated by a middle class tax cut we didn’t pay for. When you add war spending into the mix ( something that was off budget books in 2008) the difference between a Bush budget and and Obama budget is not that much different. Which is Barry’s main point.

    The “Obama spending myth” is just that, a myth. Had we repealed ALL the Bush tax cuts we could be increasing revenue and making a significant dent in the rate of deficit growth. But that’s a fact most GOP folks tend to forget.

    Those are the facts-something that annoys most tea baggers.