Far East Cynic

More coverage

The streaming link to NHK is proving a handy thing. I am finding watching the news direct from Japan to be far more useful than watching the American broadcast networks-which are obsessed with Fukushima Dai ichi nuclear power plant. A worry to be sure-but the sheer level of wreckage that the Tsunami caused is a lot more than that.

Its all in Japanese-but even if you don’t speak or read Japanese, there is still good coverage here.

We have been told S.O.’s mother is safe-but still have been unable to talk with her by phone. I suspect its going to be a few days before we can.

  1. great your family over there is safe!
    Japan has seen worse, 1923 Kanto quake comes to mind…
    they will be up and running in no time, but I wonder what if such things would hit California?
    coming clockwise, after NZ and Japan next stop on the Rim is US west coast…

  2. Skippy,

    For those with iPhones, iPads, or iTouchs, there is an App on iTunes that provides live NHK World streaming in English. Go to iTunes and do a search for “NHK World”.
