Valentine’s Day

Is useless on a Monday when deadlines are near. The S.O. came up on the short end of the stick-again. However, in my defense-I did buy her earrings and a ring in Bahrain……………

And we have seen zero gratitude for that!

Then again-before women start whining-remind them how lucky they are not be living in ancient Rome!

From Feb. 13 to 15, the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. The men sacrificed a goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just slain.

The Roman romantics “were drunk. They were naked,” says Noel Lenski, a historian at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Young women would actually line up for the men to hit them, Lenski says. They believed this would make them fertile.

The brutal fete included a matchmaking lottery, in which young men drew the names of women from a jar. The couple would then be, um, coupled up for the duration of the festival – or longer, if the match was right.

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