Off the grid for a couple of days.

Greetings from sunny-and surprisingly cool Bahrain. Back here for work and to see the changes in the city.

I first started coming here in 2002-and at that point it had been some 20 years since I had visited the ASU (politely nicknamed the Alcohol Support Unit) in those days.

The building that is going on here is positively amazing. Places that were just vacant lots a few years ago are all built up shopping malls and apartment complexes. Even the base here is amazing-the changes that have occurred to it. Every time I see it-it confirms what I thought more than five years ago-the Navy has too many people over here and what was supposed to be more of a temporary facility has become a permanent fixture. Too much so in my humble opinion. I always think of “Ft Apache” every time I come through the gates here. Huge walls, barbed wire, and lots of buildings crammed into a chunk of land. Less would be more-but its not going to change anytime soon.

Oh well-its work and its overseas. Can’t complain about any of that. So call me a happy man-if only it were for a longer period. Ah, well-you take what you can get. Inshallah………….

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