Far East Cynic

Off the grid for a couple of days.

Greetings from sunny-and surprisingly cool Bahrain. Back here for work and to see the changes in the city.

I first started coming here in 2002-and at that point it had been some 20 years since I had visited the ASU (politely nicknamed the Alcohol Support Unit) in those days.

The building that is going on here is positively amazing. Places that were just vacant lots a few years ago are all built up shopping malls and apartment complexes. Even the base here is amazing-the changes that have occurred to it. Every time I see it-it confirms what I thought more than five years ago-the Navy has too many people over here and what was supposed to be more of a temporary facility has become a permanent fixture. Too much so in my humble opinion. I always think of “Ft Apache” every time I come through the gates here. Huge walls, barbed wire, and lots of buildings crammed into a chunk of land. Less would be more-but its not going to change anytime soon.

Oh well-its work and its overseas. Can’t complain about any of that. So call me a happy man-if only it were for a longer period. Ah, well-you take what you can get. Inshallah………….

  1. Skippy,

    You should see it when a large deck Gator Phib is in town or a Carrier. Then portions of it becomes Thunder Dome. Even more so at night when booze and bad music is rolling. Two men enter, one man leaves under escort from SP or whatever they are calling shore patrol now adays.