Far East Cynic


This is a bit of FACEBOOK snark that means ” Too long did not read”

It is meant to show disdain for an opposing point of view.

In reality it translates into -” I’m too lazy to read the entirety of what you said, but I still want to say something. ”

And THAT sums up the state of blogging and Facebook,Twitter,or any other social media today. Stupid is as Stupid does.

  1. I always wondered about the usefulness of twitter’s message link with so few characters. Plus, Twitter can equal twit and the past tense seems to mean twat. All no goes in my book. Face book for some reason has the same issue, design flaw? Oh well. Happy days, Skippy. I do enjoy your comments here and there and I’m with you on the entire asia thing, as long as we can leave the PRC out of what might be a good thing in the east.

  2. I know you are right.
    Seems to me society is dumbing down to the level where belif is equated to fact. And narcissism is becoming the norm.