As if I need another reason…..

To utterly despise the Tea Party. Reason number 345 why this so called “movement” is dangerous-and needs to be opposed:

In an exclusive review for Whispers of their plan, FreedomWorks president Matt Kibbe says: “Tea Party activists are willing to tackle progressive CEOs just as they tackled progressive politicians. Judging by the results of the midterm elections, progressive CEOs should buckle up, because Tea Party activists are going to give them a very bumpy ride.”

Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project, added: “Big businesses are now on notice that there is a measurable business risk for actively supporting the Obama, Reid, and Pelosi progressive public policy agenda.”

Their initial focus will be on consumer firms that lobbied for passage of Obama’s agenda items that helped their firms. “We are going after the rent-seeking corporations feeding at the public trough,” said FreedomWorks’ spokesman Adam Brandon.

Umm…….. right. So I presume that DOD contractors will be right at the top of your list to boycott? I didn’t think so.

If you do not find the teabagger point of view very disturbing-especially for a movement that is about “free market solutions”-then you need to have your head examined. Because read this for what it really says, ” Conform to our view point or else!” It’s crap and should be denounced as such.

Phrased another way-we would rather punish your employees for the views of their CEO.  Even when the employees have done nothing wrong-except show up for work and do their jobs.  I wonder who will be the first to complain when unemployment rises if this is successful.

“But what about the boycotts of Glen Beck and Limbaugh”, you ask? Well to start with-there are more than a couple of differences between the output of Beck et al and what is being challenged at GE and Johnson and Johnson. Beck was proposed for boycott because of verifiable incorrect statements, made with malice of forethought, to attempt to destroy the reputations of individuals. In the case of these companies-it is for excercising their rights ( as reinforced by the Supreme Court) to advocate for a point of view or a candiate.  They-by any reasonable standard of inquiry-did not publically attack an individual and skirt the border of the libel laws.  And second, by Kibbe’s logic,  it is impossible to get behind a policy prescription because : 1) you might actually believe in it and 2) it might actually improve your bottom line. Clearly there must be something more sinister at work. Godless capitalists!

It seems that it is not enough these yahoos won some elections-now they want to ensure that if you do not agree with them, you will be relegated to the outer darkness. I don’t recall that as being one of the aims of the Founding Fathers in forming a democracy and building a Constitution.

The good news is that boycotts seldom seem to work-so GE and Johnson and Johnson are probably still in good shape. A good product with name recognition seems to beat ideology. At least in a proper world it should. Otherwise-all you would see on the road is America cars right? In support of Buy American campaigns? How well did that work? People-myself included- will buy the products they think are best for them, regardless of what side of the aisle their CEO is on.

Nonetheless, it is troubling, because it makes me wonder what is next? Harassmentof that firm’s employees? Demands to divest their shares from 401K’s? Even when- in several cases-the target actually makes sense to buy? And if the company grows it puts American back to work.  It will now be a crime to employ Americans?  Will someone be thrown out of the GOP for owning GE stock? What about all that nonsense of rugged individualism and building your business?

Sadly this is  just the opening round-because our galtian overlords are after even bigger game-namely the creation of a climate of fear and conformity to their belief system. To your everyday tea party moron-freedom is only useful when it is given to their like minded folks. Otherwise, STFB.

Welcome to the 50’s all over again.

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