The downward spiral…….

Into intoxication.

I’m going to the kitchen, gonna fix something good to eat. I’m gonna sit right down and put a good buzz on! A good buzz on! A good buzz on!-Gonna sit right down and put a good buzz on! “-from a song by JJ Cale.

When JJ Cale wrote that song-he was referring to another pharmacological substance. ( One that hopefully,  will be legalized tonight in California). Thanks to random drug testing-I’ll have to stick to the option of getting stinking drunk tonight.

A long time ago-in a galaxy far away-I was fortunate enough to be in command of  the Navy’s finest E-2 squadron. ( The Lord took pity on me and said, “Yes little man, you may have what you want.”). We were deployed to Puerto Rico for drug operations-and a hurricane was bearing down. We were ordered to evacuate all four of our aircraft to Key West, and we were able to send about 78 of our personnel home to Norfolk for a week-while we took all the aircrew and about 65 maintainers to Key West. To “protect our spot”, so to speak-we left two officers and a small detachment behind. ( about 11 people all told-all were volunteers, great Americans each and every one!).

Anyway, the BOQ made us check out of all of our rooms-except for the two officers we left behind. So in order to avoid having to haul all of our stuff up to Key West -and not to waste perfectly good booze-we moved all of our “stashes” down to their rooms. That meant they had probably, by a conservative estimate, 15 cases of beer, 20 bottles of wine and about 9 or 10 bottles of whiskey. Plus more soda than could float an aircraft carrier. ( yes we drank a lot off duty-sue us).

So the senior man present-one of our LCDR’s decided to document the approach of the storm. He also wanted to have a little fun with us-by documenting his and the other officer rummaging through and drinking our booze. The ensuing video tape, shot over about a 10 hour period as the storm approached and passed, provided a video record of the storm-and their combined descent into massive intoxication.

I intend to do the same tonight-providing a running “stream of consciousness”  post as the country gets gang raped tonight, and I get incredibly intoxicated this evening. Started at 5, its 8:30 now, still not even carrying a decent buzz yet. Time for another beer!


It’s almost 9-and I’ve lost track of how many times I have yelled “Go f*ck yourself”  at teabagger candidates on TV. At least the witch from Wilmington is losing. Rand Paul looks particularly disgusting. The TV coverage? It is disgusting too.


I wish I was in a bar watching this. In 2004, I got to be in a bar in Alexandria-very crowded pretty much split down the middle between Kerry and Bush fans-waiting and watching for Ohio. It all came down to that. I remember wanting so much for Ohio to go against Bush to give him the kick in the teeth he richly deserved ( and still deserves) because of the war in Iraq. Not that I loved Kerry so much-but I hated the war in Iraq even more.  Sadly it was not to happen-and there was a visible sigh when they called it for the shrub.  Groundhog does not see his shadow-four more years of war.


Eric Cantor is on TV now dodging questions from Rachel Maddow. Oh how I would love to be able to rip his glasses off and slam his geeky little head against that Capitol pillar he is standing front of. Spare me,  you f*cking geek,  the BS about how tax cuts save money and the old lie about how small business get hurt by letting the Bush tax cuts expire for those making 250K. Idiot. Time to change on over to ESPN. I think I need another beer.


A man walks into a bar and asks,  “Do you have wireless?”

Barkeep: “Yes.”

    Man: “Ok, then. Lemme get two double shots of Don Julio and two fingers of your best scotch.”
    Barkeep: “Will there be anyone joining you?”
    Man: “No.”
    Barkeep: “Are you on vacation?”
    Man: “No. I’m a Democrat.”


I am way too sober! Need another beer!

The Toomey-Sestak race is getting closer; as with Illinois. They’re nail-biters that could eventually go all night.  That said-the idea of “Senator Sestak” makes me want to puke. Its just as disugsting as Sarah Palin………. This would be a lot easier if the Dems had some decent candidates.

Speaking of Palin,  Ferraro and Palin are now competing for the female victim prize on Fox. Whores! Wait, that does real whores a severe disservice. They at least provide a service for the money invested in them.


The Tea Party leaders keep misquoting the Founding Fathers.


Mark Meckler, douchebag in chief of the tea party-is on TV threatening members of his own party. If you want a reason to despise the tea party- I can’t think of a better example than this piece of human excrement.  Saying Republicans have to do it ” the tea party way-you better get on board or we will kill you too.”

Listen sh*t head, it does not work that way. This is a republic, not a direct democracy. Senators and Congressmen have to be free to make decisions based on their own best instincts.  The founding fathers never intended either branch of the legislature to be beholden to a mob of stupid people. This is not Burger King asshole-the customer is not always right. Prick.


I may have to switch to the hard stuff. Since this night calls for contemplation-out comes the Courvoisier.  Especially, since John Boehner is on TV talking about how Washington has not done what the people want-and now they will. Oh really? How long have you been in Washington you cocksucker? You have been in Washington since 1991. Now you have an epiphany? Where was your “righteous anger of the people” between 2001-2008? Where was your anger when  Bush  launched two wars without making any provision in the budget to pay for them, who proposed and won an expensive new prescription-drug entitlement without paying for it, who catered to irresponsible Wall Street firms. The hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife.

“Change course.” You’ll be hearing that a lot. And hedged compromise, it would appear. Compromise will be just as it was for the last two years-a one way street.
As with any war-innocent people die. Ike Skelton got beat. Really sad-for a whole bunch of reasons. He’s not a liberal in the strict sense of the word-he’s done a lot for the country and his state. Him losing proves how much control of the message the White House lost and how much the misinformation of the Fox noise machine had an effect. He voted for Cap and Trade. A Republican idea-that they now disavow any knowledge of. Ah-the scent of the liquor in my nostrils is good.
Come to think of it-this has to be the most fact free election I can recall in recent memory. Consider what the people believe versus what are the real facts:

As distasteful as it might be-TARP worked. The economy did not drop off the cliff and it is recovering-albeit slowly.

So too did the Stimulus. CBO has said that-so have most mainstream economists.

Most Americans don’t know the Obama administration has cut taxes by more than $240 billion in the last two years, including rebate checks worth up to $800 for almost all families.

The market is back to where it was two years ago.

The number of troops in Iraq are half what it was two years ago.

The voters don’t know any of that. Mostly because they pay more attention to American Idol than they do to their own country.  And yet, I am supposed to think of them as infallible. Please-the civic responsibility to know basic stuff about the economy ultimately falls on citizens. That they don’t know the facts, does not make their actions any more correct.
And speaking of the war-it has been noticeably absent from the discussion this election. That’s hurt the Democrats more than they realize. Both wars are still failing-but the dream George Bush wanted has come true on Obama’s watch: nobody pays attention to the sacrifices being made by American soldiers on behalf of useless people. Barring a major change before 2012, this will be a fact in then too. The wars will be going on, only a few people like me will care.
Finally, the whiskey is starting to swirl me down to oblivion. Tomorrow we will have to hear the gloating from the teabaggers and the circular firing squad in the Democratic party. So let me sum it up. In the long run-this is probably a good thing. The rage that has been seething ever since Obama’s election may have found a safety valve. Maybe that feeling of saying “there! We got you!” will help deflate the myths absurd  about Obama’s birthplace, his religion and even his absent father’s anti colonialist tendencies.

And its probably good the Democrats got this over with now. It gives Nancy Pelosi the smack down Obama never gave her ( as I have noted before-if he had he might not be in this position), it gets some new blood to the fore-and it allows the Republicans to come out from behind the curtain of no and prove if they are really serious about doing something to move the country forward. I know-from being a serious student of them, and a former supporter of many of them-that they are incapable of the kind of change needed to reconcile the US to the new world that has come to be in the last 15 years. But they now no longer have an excuse to hide behind. So long as the Democrats actually learn from this event-and the country can put the teabaggers back in a tri-corner box, some good came come of it.

One final point too-when you run people with experience it pays off. When you embrace total lunatics with no experience it doesn’t.  Had the teabaggers actual understood that-they might have control of both houses of Congress instead of one. Sarah Palin has not learned that lesson yet- I think others have.  And if this serves as the enabler to kill off Palin politically in the Republican party, then that will be the best service the defeated candidates of this evening have performed for their country. It cannot survive a fraud like her in high office-and now perhaps the GOP will have the ability to put her in her place. Which is not just in the back of the bus-but tied to the bumper and dragged behind the bus.

Now excuse me-I have to watch porn sleep.
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