That dog won’t hunt……

It is not often I agree with The Hill-so skewed and un-objective are most of their pieces;  but even a broken clock is right twice a day:

“I think attacking the outside money, and specifically attacking the Chamber, is of very limited value to the White House,” said former Rep. Martin Frost (D-Texas), who headed the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC). “I don’t think it makes much difference in the election.”

That point of view is probably pretty much spot on-and while the flow of money into campaigns is obscene, and unecessary-thanks again Justice Roberts for another piece of political pornography- the Citizens United decision-it would not be having such an impact if there were not a deeper issue that voters have coalesced around-the economy.

As I pointed out earlier, without an effective communications strategy-that pierces the incredible ignorance of the average American voter, “getting the policy right” matters not one bit.

The better path is to warn voter just how much the GOP and its new found “friends”, will fuck up things that matter to them-like Social Security, jobs, and just about everything else. Problem is-the voter, thanks to the Teabag noise machine already believes that Obama has fucked it up. Even when he hasn’t.

So there looks to be really no place to go-but to just let the wave flow over us. And then let the GOP own the continuing descent into the pit-begun for us by George W. Bush. The only silver lining-is that people will get to see these people for who they really are.

Enjoy war without end and a jobless recovery. It will be


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