Partying like its 1932……

“Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don’t vote.”

The population of  Delaware is 849,000.  The lady who doesn’t like masturbation or sex-got just 30,172 votes tonight. Even assuming a 55/45% split Democratic / Republican and subtracting out underage folks that still leaves a lot of people who did not vote. The number of nonvoters continues to outpace voters. In a primary season where the narrative tends to be about partisanship and anger, the statistics through the end of the summer suggest that voter participation remained relatively consistent with the last couple off-year election cycles.

And that is all you need to know about the Tea Party. Democracy and rule by the people-not a chance. Tyranny of a crazy minority over the rest of us? You betcha!  Refusal to stand up and be counted against stupidity allows the crazy people to to move to the front of the line.  Apathy and refusal to confront the evil when you see it-begets you tyranny later. Welcome to the New McCarthyism-motherfuckers. To quote John Cole:

Oh, you’re gonna get your limited government, Christian style, and you’re gonna get it good, you morons- I may even chip in for the wetsuits and dildo for you special cases at Hit and Run. I can’t blame crazy people for being bat shit crazy, but I sure as hell can heap some scorn on pricks like the Reason writers for running rhetorical cover for the lunatics and helping to mainstream their insanity…………I just hope you chumps lose the leather jackets and designer wayfarer prescription specs, because those look vaguely French. Your days of esoterically talking about the virtues of Ayn Rand at DC wine and cheese parties are over, because you’re now bitches for Real ‘Murrika. Yeefuckinghaw! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.


Now I know how good ordinary Germans felt in 1932 as their country slid down the road to ruin-by electing an evil man who manipulated good people…….to destruction.

It may be the wave-but I won’t be surfing it. I will be standing on the shore cursing it at the top of my lungs. Fuck YOU!

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