Far East Cynic


It has been a heck of a week. From finding out on Monday I was going to be on this project-to making my final preparations and getting ready to get on a plane this weekend. I’ll keep you guess where I am going for a while-but I’ll give you a hint it is a new place for me. And its for a protracted period of time. I’d be more excited-except as I am watching this particular drama unfold, its pretty obvious that- for at least the first couple of weeks, I will be putting in some pretty long hours. Not because I need to-but because the people who have concted the schedule-refuse to push back against some pretty stupid ideas. The result with probably be a train wreck with me in the middle.

Till then-I just have to enjoy the ride.

Which brings me to a point. Managment-at least in the organization I work with (not my company) has gotten way too used to having everything go its way. Rather than step back and take a breath and ask itself, ” Do we really need to get all of this work done in two weeks? ( With a ton of “go backs” over the next six.)- why not take a longer period of time. Work some normal hours and produce a really good product? Especially for something that may turn out to be important.

I blame part of it on people and part of it on technology. The technology piece is due to the advent of e-mail and other devices-leaders refuse to let go and let the folks do the job. We have seen our schedule changed three times for at least six stupid reasons that I can think of. The other part is on people-on especially on one person who has made a pretty silly decision and refused to back away from it.

Fortunately for me-I am not so much in the thick of it. I just have to stay alert and avoid flying debris when the train wreck happens.

Tickets anyone? ALL ABOARD!

  1. No clues from Waldo?

    Be safe, have fun, stay alert, think ahead, and may you be on a sidetrack watching as the two trains approach!

  2. ~ Do we really need to get all of this work done in two weeks? ( With a ton of “go backs” over the next six.)- why not take a longer period of time. Work some normal hours and produce a really good product? ~

    If companies, governments, anyone with a marketing degree, DID think this way wouldn’t the world be a better place to live? And work. And relax in the evening.

    They make unrealistic goals because for all their high salaries (not me I’m a pauper) and fancy qualifications (failed grade school) they just don’t … understand … the … process.

  3. If we’re allowed to wish Dilbert’s twin brother to be safely in the station, drink in hand, when the trains collide then the least you could have done is left us with even a teensie-weensie hint as to your whereabouts……or provided us with Skip-lets, a la the Scriblets when SJS went on leave.

  4. Hope it all works out for the best…cant wait to fing out where you’ve landed-hopefully somewhere ‘nice’!!