
Have not even been back 24  hours yet. Catching up on sleep, work , bills. Something has to give and it would appear to be blogging.


Expat at Large has tagged me with a meme. Not sure of its coherence or theme per se-but a challenge is a challenge that must be answered.  It is one of those “1o question” kind of things,  a 10 question blog meme, ” one that has been slightly twisted by the precious and well-meaning Savannah, viz: “the latest meme in blogville. the twist is that after i answer her[very good] questions, i get to ask 10 NEW questions and tag another set of bloggers!”

So here is the set he asked me. (My answers in bold).

1. Who was your 3rd grade teacher and were you in love with her? (Lesbian lust is OK, in fact even better.)

I have no fracking idea. I can’t remember any teachers back beyond high school. There was a junior English teacher that I had serious hots for, however. Sadly-she ended up marrying a Marine. ( But at least he was an aviator…..).

2. Is yours an examined life? If yes, did you find anything interesting?

I examine and contemplate my life all the time. Mostly I contemplate all the things I would like to be doing if I had not made bad choices earlier -and transformed myself into a life support system for women. Interesting? Possibly-there are loads of interesting things: planes, ships, trains, sex and whiskey.  A few car chases and run ins with the constabulary-other adventures are thrown in for good measure. I have a lot of “lessons learned-I wish I had not done that” types of life lessons to pass on that is for sure.

3. How high is the tallest mountain you have climbed, skied down, or tripped over (question for Singaporeans)?

Mt Fuji. 14000+ feet.

4. Speaking of storms, do you know, or DID you know, anyone who has been struck by lightning? Or indeed, by lighting?

Only the memorial pictures I see at the shelters at the various golf courses I have played.

5. What do you like most about your job/studies/unemployment cheques?

My previous employer? Travel, flying, travel, adventure, travel, camaraderie ( before it all went to hell in the name of “diversity and equal opportunity”), travel, excitement, seeing the ground go whizzing by at 500 knots and 300 feet-and the opportunity to take care of my Sailors.

My current employer? My paycheck. And the travel. And that is just about it. The difference? With my previous employer I felt I was making a difference. Now I’m just another schmuck making PPT slides and trying to convince people who ought to know better-not to do stupid things. I really envy people who actually create things of value or improve the world. Sadly-that’s not a statement I can make about my current daily struggle. And this is with a company I really like-its not the who I work for, it is the where that is the issue.

6. Men: are you Miles or Jack? Women: are you Maya or Stephanie, Jack’s fiancee or Miles’ ex-wife? (You haven’t seen Sideways? Why am I even talking to you?).

Miles. With Jack’s sex drive. And without the tranquilizers. (Does Viagra count?)

7. Would you rather write best-selling pulp genre fiction, or an art-house novel that confirms your towering genius but that not even your most sympathetic friends would read, except MAYBE under threat of torture? Trick question, eh what?

Which pays more? I’d like to do both-but if it’s one or the other-write a classic. Hell, look at Ayn Rand. Her booked sucked-but now its quoted by douche-bags tea party goons who never even knew what the book was before 2008.

8. Have you ever been on a cruise? On a ship I mean, not wearing leather and trying to pick up Mr Goodbar. If yes, did you fall in love on it, the cruise?

Uh, I’ve been on 11 cruises-but they were not exactly on the Love Boat. ( Although cruise on the USS Eisenhower in 1994 might qualify-a lot of people were getting laid and getting pregnant. It just wasn’t me). I never fell in love per se-but lust plenty of times. Every port of call to be exact. Somehow I don’t think my definition of a cruise fits E @ L’s.

9. Other than “I think, therefore I am”, can you quote a major philosopher NOW? Without having to look one up? (Descartes doesn’t count, he was a mathematician.) Please share your quote, if you have one. (I’m thinking, this is a wasted question.)

Philosphers? Not really. I can quote a lot of Shakespere from memory though. “The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain upon the place beneath. It is twice blessed-it blesseth him that giveth and him that taketh.”

I’m also a fan of this quote by Einstein because I think it applies to me: “ I have no special gift; I am only passionately curious.”

10. Do you pay for an online newspaper? If so, which one? (If you are about to say The Straits Times, please leave this blog immediately.)

Three. The New York Times, Slate (for Kindle),  and The Straits Times. Sue me.

I got to think about my questions-but rest assured there are some folks out there who are going to get tagged. Sourrain can count it, for one.

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