Yet another reason…..

To hate Congress:

Frustrated by continuing prostitution at “juicy bars” that cater to American troops in South Korea — and what he calls “weak” monitoring by commanders — the co-chairman of the U.S. Congressional Caucus on Human Trafficking plans to introduce legislation that would create a senior position in the Department of Defense to enforce the department’s prohibitions against the exploitation of women.

U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., said he will propose the appointment of an assistant secretary for trafficking issues because he suspects that the policing of juicy bars near U.S. military installations varies “based on the commitment of the commanding officer.”

“Zero tolerance does not mean partial tolerance,” Smith told Stars and Stripes. “My concern … is that the important job of monitoring trafficking-related concerns has been added to somebody’s already too-large portfolio of work. What we [want is] a hub — a command and control center” led by an assistant secretary for trafficking issues in the DOD.

Smith had suggested the assistant secretary position in 2005 as part of a larger anti-trafficking proposal, but that measure was removed before the bill became law.

“The fact that juicy bars appear to be gaming the system in Korea is a sign that the monitoring is weak,” Smith said. “Juicy bars should be on their own watch list for the military, if not actually off-limits.”  [Stars & Stripes]

Like the Congress does not have anything to worry about back stateside-they have to extend their reach and the word “NO” to the right side of the international dateline.

ROK Drop has more detailed coverage on this at his place.  I predict a large increase in the number of leave chits to Thailand and the PI-where folks can at least have a week or so away from the courtesy patrols. Of course, given the recent events in both places-they are probably off limits too.

So what’s a red blooded young man on a one year unaccompanied tour to do? Oh yea, have sex with their fellow Soldiers, Sailors and Airman. Let me know how well that works out.

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