Eating their young……

And here I thought that was only the province of SWO’s (Surface Warfare Officers)……..

Not so, evidently. In the brave new world of the Republican party, if you criticize anything about them-even when you are right-you get fired:

David Frum, who wrote a widely-circulated blog post Sunday suggesting passage of the health care bill amounted to “Waterloo” for the Republican Party, has apparently been forced out of his fellowship at the conservative American Enterprise Institute.

Frum  posted a resignation letter on his blog following a conversation with AEI President Arthur Brooks announcing that his position is “terminated.” 

“I appreciate the consideration that delays my emptying of my office until after my return from travel next week. Premises will be vacated no later than April 9,” Frum wrote in the letter to Brooks. “I have had many fruitful years at the American Enterprise Institute, and I do regret this abrupt and unexpected conclusion of our relationship.”

The American Enterprise Institute-and the Republicans that patronize them, are either deeply cynical or desperately stupid. David Frum represented one of the last voices of sanity in today’s Republican party. The difference between him and say, “William the Bloody” Kristol-is that Frum had the ability to recognize the facts for what they were-not what he simply wished them to be.

However, it would appear that Frum was guilty of the unforgivable sin in todays Rethuglican world-pissing off both Rush and Saint Sarah. We all know that’s a non-starter in  Bizarro land ( e.g. “real conservative values”).

Not to worry David-think of it like getting fired by Sestak, badge of honor. Trust me-I’ve been thrown out of better bars than this one.

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