Far East Cynic

They get really mad when its pointed out…….

The Weather Underground: An extreme group dedicated to overturning the US government.

The Tea Baggers: An extreme group dedicated to overturning the US government.

Rachel Maddow may have hit on something here. I’m not really a fan of hers-but she is clever and usually well armed with facts.

By their swag you shall know them:

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  1. well, yes, except for the fact that she left out (as do you) that little word that the weather folks added to their beliefs – ‘violent”, as in the violent overthrow of the US Gov’t…makes a bit of a difference eh?


  2. And those more extreme members of the Tea Party movment quoting them as saying “Next time we will come armed” doesn’t?

    The both create the same pre-conditions, an environment where stupid people are free to roam…..

  3. Skippy is correct. Any extreme group shares the same agenda. Overthrow by any means available.

    Anyone who believes the extreme left or right wing religious goups are any different than the Islamic extremist need to do a modicum of research on Fundamentalism.