Far East Cynic

Glenn Beck-hypocrite.

Jon Stewart explains why Glenn Beck doesn’t seem to understand the words” Conflict of interest”:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Beck – Not So Mellow Gold
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  1. It’s funny, or maybe it is not, that the only one successfully countering the Fox News Teabagger Party is a comedian on a network called “the comedy channel.” Glenn Beck (Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc) is (are) wealthy beyond most people’s imagination, and yet every day he sits in his protected little studio espousing fear and making outlandish claims about the wreck and ruin of this country, all the while crying crocodile tears.

    It is all disingenuous bull shit, a part of the duping of America. It is very easy to point fingers and call people hitler, it is another thing all together to come up with a workable counter plan other than “no”

    The teabaggers are idiots to fall for it.

    An Sarah Palin too.

  2. One of you is a complete loony. The other is our host.

    What the loony appears to be saying in 4 parts:

    1. Superwealthy rich people are assholes and have no place in setting national policy! (Pelosi, Kerry, Kennedy, et al. I think the top 50 richest politicians in America are all democrats and the democrat bank for vicious action and sedition and support of voter registration fraud is a democrat billionaire named Soros.)

    2. Teabaggers are all dupes and scum who ought to stay at home and let the wealthy leftist communists guide this country without any input from any damned ‘wingers’. They certainly have no right to express any of their damned winger opinions. No sirree bob, not in this country!!!!

    3. Always and always it is the left wing that is first to leap for both the Hitler card and the race card. Pelosi and here stupid statement about seeing swastikas everywhere in the teaparty crowd. Sad; almost pathetic really. A party with no ideas that cannot be found in the Communist Manifesto or Mein Kampf.

    4. And finally, both of you are scared of a girl. ppppftttthhfftt!

    Back to The Soggy Bottom Boys at the conclusion to that great American epic starring George Cluny et al.

    Paul, I don’t watch FOX, I don’t watch Beck or Hannity or Oreilly. I’m not a tool of the fascist demons you fear so much. You really need to broaden your horizons. At this moment I’m watching the last 30 minutes of a movie as the candidate for governor is talking about these boys desecrating a fiery cross and interfering with a lynching. Guess what party this kind of character belonged to? Go on guess. You’ll never in a million million years guess correctly.

    If letting others speak against (whatever) in this democracy bothers you why then you fit right into the new left don’t you?

  3. Curtis,
    Once again you have put up a good post. Also remember this, those guys on MSNBC who still count the days since W was last in office still make more than I ever will. Maybe in order to be more “fair” the new “Fairness Doctrine” that Pelosi and others have been going on about should be modeled after the NFL. Networks with low ratings get to pick the number one “draft choice” in new media presenters, in hopes that they will get to have higher ratings. Also, that means that the losing stations will get to pay the highest amount for on air personalities in order to bring about fairness and equity.

    I am sure you could place MSNBC along with the Detriot Lions.

  4. Teabaggers are all dupes and scum

    You got that right. Because the foundation of teabaggery is selfishness and a refusal to acknowledge reality. Fed lies about “American exceptionalism”, “Trickle down economics” and refusing to use the what little education they did get to think for themselves and more importantly, actually participate in making solutions for the country’s problems. They refuse to even acknowledge that there is a problem!

    What is really sad is that if the the policies they support were to actually be enacted-most of them would lose as a result and the only people benefiting are those rich assholes.

    So yea, I don’t like them. Their guy lost-and he lost primarily because the ideology that guys like Beck supports refuses to recognize that “the girl” and “true conservatism” cost them the election. A refusal to compromise is costing the country now as what could be improvements to all of the legislation is lost in th noise of their own hot air.

  5. ” A refusal to compromise is costing the country now as what could be improvements to all of the legislation is lost in th noise of their own hot air”

    If I did not know better, I would think this comment was aimed at the party that has control of both houses and the Exc. branch.

  6. “A refusal to compromise is costing the country now as what could be improvements to all of the legislation is lost in th noise of their own hot air.”

    Skippy, so I guess your views on women at the service academies is a refusal to compromise on your part. I understand your feelings towards allowing women at those institutions, but isn’t that attitude just the same as Beck’s and others?

  7. Curtis, you don’t disappoint…

    I had to re-read what I wrote because most of what you are pointing out, I never said. I think you are presuming to know me.

    There is nothing wrong with being wealthy or super wealthy, so long as everyone pays their share. The Regan experiment with trickle down economics has been an abject failure, as we see by the current banking system collapse. George H. W. Bush had it right: Voodoo Economics. The tax breaks for the wealthy have basically increased their wealth while doing little for everyone else.

    I never used the word “scum” I merely suggested the teabaggers were being duped by hypocrites. I think rather than being whipped up into faux anger by the Fox News Political Party, they should come up with some constructive way out to this mess.

    I thought the Bu$hitler implications by the left were wrong too. No US president can be compared to Hilter.

    Oh, and “Oh Brother were art thou” is a fictional movie made by those leftist, communist, atheist, hollywood types. I am surprised you did not know that. But if your inference is that the Democrats were in charge and responsible for some of worst repression in the south, you are correct. That is what happens when wealth and power is consolidated into a relatively small minority, people’s rights are abused. No party or person is immune.

    And Sarah Palin too.

  8. Skippy, so I guess your views on women at the service academies is a refusal to compromise on your part. I understand your feelings towards allowing women at those institutions, but isn’t that attitude just the same as Beck’s and others?

    No its not. Because while I may not like it-I also recognize it is impossible to change it. And I also know how to deal with it even though I don’t like it. Beck and Company think that if they simple hold out and be unreasonable on issues that don’t require a “line in the sand” approach they will win the day eventually. It doesn’t work that way -and health insurance reform is not a line in the sand issue. They could get some of what they wanted if they just would work for the country and not themselves or be in love with wars that never end.

    Besides-apart from my blog and my bar talk-I don’t voice those views publically and I certainly would not go on a news program and make the kinds of provocative statements I make here. But then again, I’m smarter than 99 percent of teabaggers.

    And I’m smarter than Sarah Palin……..

    Paul has it right-tax breaks for the rich don’t help average Americans-nor does the attitude that “Europe does everything wrong” help improve the situation over here. Hell, at least there trains run on time and are comfortable. Ours are not.

  9. Paul,
    You make the assumption that your underlying beliefs are universal and that we both share them. You shouldn’t. Fair share? 10% from every single wage earner sounds fair to me. Charging 42% of the workers a tax and letting the other 58% slide even though they still get to vote….Not so much. If you aren’t going to pay the same rate as everybody else, lose the franchise. If you won’t pay taxes you should not have any say in how much those of us who do pay tax should pay in order to support the nation. I’m pretty sure you’re a progressive kind of tax guy. I’m not. Recall how the founders wrote the Constitution? Remember what they specifically forbade?

    I don’t know about you but I really do know what caused the banking collapse. It had damn all to do with paying taxes or wealth or tickle down economics. yes I know how spelled trickle.

    I know you didn’t use the word scum. I was just helpfully adding that for you. You describe it as a faux anger. You so don’t understand do you? Those people are really really angry and FOX news had nothing to do with it. Our government has made those people angry. You sound like one of those French noblemen in 1788 who just poo pooed the idea that the people were angry and growing restless.

    When you bruit about voodoo economics can you just, for the hell of it, take a glance at the government revenues post voodoo time? Did government revenues increase or decrease? Go on! If you’re scared of going blind as you look at truth, just cover one eye so if one goes blind you’ll still be capable of vision.

    Wealth and power seem concentrated in Hollywood and the fact that you accept that they’re a bunch of dishonest lying snakes of the first water means that you probably also noted that the parties in O Brother Where Art Thou were never mentioned other than to portray the “Republican” as a fat buffoon. How they must have twisted themselves into knots as they worked to avoid ascribing a party affiliation to the klansman running against him. Clooney probably threw up a little in his mouth each day on the set.

    You wrote of the “Regan experiment”. May I invite your attention to the “Roman experiment”. Just look at the death of the Republic and then the Fall of Rome.

  10. Curtis,

    It is obvious to me that we don’t share beliefs, otherwise, this discussion would be much shorter.

    10% income tax? Sounds good to me. While we are at it, lets abolish income tax altogether and go with a value added tax instead. This way, income and savings are not taxed at all, the only time you pay tax is when you buy something. That would get rid of the hugely bloated bureaucracy that is the IRS.

    As far as only tax payers getting to vote: sounds like a poll tax to me, which both article 1 and the 24th amendment forbid.

    Things the founding fathers forbade: Income tax.

    Other things the found fathers did not like: Standing professional armies (and by extension navies), entangling foreign treaties, overseas adventures, Federal Reserve Banks, popular vote, voting rights for non-land holders, voting rights for women, to name a few.

    The banking collapse had everything to do with greed and bad faith actors who though they could game the system and make stacks of cash for themselves.

    Post voodoo time? We are still in Voodoo time. Revenues since Reagan: up under G.H.W. Bush, Steady under Clinton, Down under GW Bush. So?

    So, basically, the teabaggers are a reactionary group that was formed as soon as the current POTUS took office. He hadn’t even done anything and they were out there protesting something. What are they angry over? Loosing the election? Some perceived loss of… what exactly?

  11. You’ve got some sort of Constitutional basis for your VAT? You rabbited on about how we got the income tax and the morons that voted it into effect. Not sure where you were going with that.

    Viz your 3’rd paragraph. My understanding was that this was the way the nation ran for several hundred years. If one paid no land tax, one did not vote.

    You have a para there of what they did not like and yet, yet, they did make provision for. Your point would be?

    Your para 4. Those thieves and bad actors all have names. Look them up!

    OK. When you get all obsessed about the tea partiers, look at Geitner and look at what happened to the national debt. You’re the loser speaking of each paying what he owes. Loser.

  12. The founding fathers did not like professional armies?
    Oh, I see the idea of a militia in lieu of a standing army.
    Well, that worked out well eh?
    The militia system, while great in concept proved to be less than ideal in practice.
    Even in modern times. Kent State comes to mind.

  13. Paul,

    My apologies. You raised some good points. I prefer to write more elegant elegies. What can I say, it was a short commercial and late at night.

    Richard! What part of the militia are you trying to belittle? Is it the National Guard or the Reserve? In either case, just throw yourself on a 440VAC live wire. Most of those guys have been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan at least twice. GFY2!

    Kent State you say! I would have used a machine gun on those losers. Once again you seem to believe that we all accept your premise and therefore that we want to spend $ on protesters whereas some of us would be delighted to shoot the hell out of them and call it a day and go get a beer.

    Who will be the first to mention My Lai? OOOOOh, I know, me.

    Did our host just announce that he would slaughter all the wingers at a tea party? Seriously? Many of them are little old ladies with children and grandchildren fighting in the great war on terrorism and our host wants to kill them?

    Yep, this country is broken.

  14. Skippy is going “postal”?

    This is the way of the S-P’s. If we do not walk lock-step to their idea of utopia, then gun them down, or beat them with a ball bat.

  15. S-P? Shore Patrol? Never saw one with a machine gun, but I did have one chase me out of the back of a magsaysay bar early one morning.

  16. Curtis.
    Yes, they have with MONTHS of training BEFORE they deploy.
    I meant the National Guard which by definition are part time soldiers and are NOT expected to perform as well as “regulars”. This is NOT a knock on them just the facts.
    It was the National guard that was deployed often during the 60’s to quell various riots etc and lets say they did not perform well, with a lack of discipline and training.
    Why would we expect anything else?
    I appreciate the service of our men and women and I meant no disrespect. My intent was to point out the inherent weakness of a “militia”, lack of training etc etc.
    I will certainly entertain the idea of suicide , at least it will give me relief from reading your inane comments, lack of cogent thought and just plain rudeness.
    oh, happy holidays…

  17. Richard,

    I am sometimes torn by my libertarian philosophy. We are taught all through school that non-violent protest is a good thing and who can argue as it played such a huge role in overturning the racist policies that held sway for so long in this country. My philosophy though is not a gentle thing and I’m kind of / usually, of the mind that the “figure of authority will go out and read the riot act and order the crowd to disperse” give that a few minutes and then so wade in there with bayonets fixed and batons swinging because I think almost all the “non-violent protesters out there today need to have a bit of steel shoved in or a piece of wood laid upside the head. I look at protesters who chain themselves to things and think right away of using superglue to fill the keyhole on the lock and then turning a hose on them and ignoring them as they frantically try to escape freezing to death.

    When one speaks of a lack of discipline and training in conjunction with the word “riot” and complains that one side or the other lacks discipline or training?….I”m right there saying to just go ahead and beat the living hell out of rioters.