Another Friday here….

And they say it is supposed to snow here today-in Alabama!

The S.O. got a flat tire yesterday-following which I got a panicked phone call from her about what to do about it. Somehow telling her, “Just change the tire and put on the spare”-did not seem to appease her.

So I dumped work on my co-worker and set out into the cold, hoping my rapid rescue would buy me some bonus points. It didn’t.

“What took you so long?”

“Well for one thing- I had to lock up everything I was working on-going to jail is not on my list of things to do. Second, you picked the most out of the way spot in Shopping Mall to blow a tire!”

Grumbling ensues while I change the spare, give her the other car, and I take the now changed car to get a new tire. So much for a relaxing lunch yesterday.

But on the way to get her-I tuned around with the satellite radio. Which just happened to find its way to Channel 99 ( Look it up here). Where I heard the classic quote on the Tiger Woods situation:

“Can you believe this? One minute you are just some whore in a bar, and the next thing you know you’re a multi-millionaire!”

Who says America is no longer the land of opportunity?

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