Far East Cynic

Taking it to a new level….

Of hating the Yankees. I discovered a web site for people like me who just can't stand them:


They have published a convienient guide for the rest of us on how to get through the Series:

Yankee Haters’ Survival Guide to the World Series

by Mike on October 27, 2009

You’ve got your hot dogs and beer ready. There are peanuts and popcorn in the kitchen cabinet. You are flanked by your buddies, all of whom are intense and most definitely ready for some baseball. All the hype over the past several days has led to this: the World Series.

There’s just one problem.

You hate the %#*&)*)% Yankees.

The mission is to extract as much enjoyment out of the Series as possible. This is a tough task, to be sure, since your small market team was eliminated from playoff contention by early August. It would be wrong to jump on the Phillies bandwagon.

Or would it?

It’s prime Yankee Hating season, at a level not seen since 2000. That was the year of the Yankees’ last championship (over the crosstown Mets). When the Yankees eliminated the Angels on Sunday evening, you could almost hear the stampede as millions of baseball fans mentally vacated Anaheim and migrated to their “new favorite” sports city: Philadelphia.

Here are a few tips for holding your own against the tiresome Yankee fans this week:

1. Channel surf until you see the Yankees are losing, then tune in. Stayed tuned in until they come back. If they don’t, enjoy.
2. When the Yankees lose a game, engage all Yankee fans you encounter with heavy “morning after” dialogue. Sample comment: “You’d think that with 26 championships they’d be immune from playing like s–t”.
3. After a Yankees win, claim you did not see the game. It will drive a Yankees fan crazy to think that you did not have to suffer through it.
4. After a Yankees’ loss, make sure to pick up one of the NY tabloid newspapers. No group devours its own like the NY media. Better yet, buy a few extra copies and leave them in the lobby of your employer.
5. While at any World Series party, excuse yourself and explain that you have to go take a Jeter.

Do you have any YH tips of your own?