Odds and ends…….

Its been a bad week for posting. I still need to rebut Curtis, a lot has happened on the national scene, and I have had some personal victories this week. All quite bloggable, but there is a little annoyance called work which keeps getting in the way.  I also was able to jump on a real drop in interest rates and refinanced the loan on my house. That was a real coup-with a huge drop in my interest rate.

So good things do happen to me from time to time.

However the other reason I have been lacking on the posting section-is that I have been curiously unmotivated to do so. I'm not sure why. Being mentally tired from work is a big part of it-its been a hectic few weeks and its not slowing down. Being unappreciated at work is also taxing to my spirit as well-especially when coupled with living a whole hemisphere away from where I should be living. That just sucks the life out of me whenever I think about it.  I could stand being unappreciated on the right side of the international dateline-being on the wrong side of it is just a double wammy.

And finally-to add insult to injury, I've had to go to the doctor for various exams and had to hear the crisp "crack" of the rubber glove on his hand,  prior to my yearly reminder of why I cannot be gay.


I do have a couple of thoughts on various and sundry events of recent days. So listed below are a few short thoughts on various subjects.


Rush Limbaugh is not getting to own part of the Rams. You will forgive me if I don't cry any salt tears over it. Could not have happened to a nicer guy. The son of a bitch should not be rich enough to even think he could be a part owner of the Rams-much less actually go through with it.

Furthermore, its nice to see someone like him, or Michelle Malkin, or any of the rest of the insulated, ignorant fools, who live in the right wing bubble-get called to account for what they say.

Some people do deserve to suffer for their ideas. Are you listening Glenn Beck?

See, the thing about Rush Limbaugh is that he never gets held to account for the foolish things he says. Same is true of Malkin.  She has no concept of how real people live and suffer, because like the fat boy, she lives in a concoon that money and wealth have created for them.

Rush, of course,  has gone on the offensive trashing the NFL and how they are biased against conservatives. Sorry fat boy-it just won't wash. Rush was dropped for a very conservative reason-and one that he should applaud-the odds were good the Rams would not make as much money as they could because of the baggage he would bring to the table.

Now prominent dickheads commentators have made a big deal about supposedly false comments on race that were attributed to Limbaugh.  Exactly three if memory serves. On the other hand there are over 30 that are undeniable-pointedly racist-and in any case,  inflammatory remarks,  that he has made on his radio show.

Which is why he was dropped from the partnership. The NFL is to the right of Limbaugh-and no right thinking owner is going to let Limbaugh's mouth get in the way of making money. Which would have been sure to happen.

Justice was done here. For once-these folks get held to the fire for the stupid things they say.

I get held to account for the stupid things I say-why shouldn't  a fat boy? ( And before anyone  thinks I haven't been held to account for the things I say-trust me, I've got a trail of missed opportunities because of the things I believe- that have stood in my way over the years………).


I agree with James Fallows, its almost impossible to overfly the airport you are filed to. Unless you are asleep.

Pilots do sleep in the cockpit-especially when they are tired and bored. A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, a pilot in the squadron I was in, was notorious for it. His co-pilot, took it upon himself to teach " the man, the myth, and the legend" ( Stein gets this reference), a lesson. Our intrepid aviator was in the left seat and after the cat shot and the climb out, upon arriving on station, our intrepid hero removes his helmet, pulls a helmet bag over his head, and tells the co-pilot to "mind the store". Off he drifts to dreamland.

Said co-pilot decides to make his move. First, he sets a waypoint and the fly to indicator, to a point out in east bumf*ck. (In the days before GPS, pilots would set waypoint zero to the ship's launch location so they had a reference back to the carrier). Second, he runs the fuel quantity test down to about 2000 pounds and pulls the circuit breaker. This leaves the fuel quantity gages appearing as if there is only a  1000 pounds a side. ( In reality, there is plenty of gas on board, but "the legend " cannot tell with out reseting the fuel quantity circuit breaker) . Finally, he turns the air-conditioning to full cold. The auto-pilot already being engaged, he slumps back, pretending to be asleep. ( All the while keeping an eye on the aircraft and its motions through the sky). As and added bonus-he set the cockpit clocks two hours ahead.

Our intrepid hero finally wakes up because he is cold, clears his eyes, pulls on his helmet,  and looks at the guages. At which point he goes berserk when he thinks he is 480 miles from the ship, with only 2000 pounds of gas, and a co-pilot who is "asleep". The back end of the aircraft ( where I was mission commander) was deselected on the ICS, but I'm told I missed a full fledged nervous breakdown.

And to add insult to injury, he got a "No Grade" coming aboard.

I still smile when I think about it. I doubt the NWA pilots are smiling though. They are probably figuring out how they can get jobs flying drugs from Panama.


Someone has to tell me how KBR is allowed to get away with things like this:




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I realize, KBR recruits a certain type of person for the lousy jobs they have to do-but really, how can anyone support this type of behavior? And if its a false accusation, why don't they deliver the proof?

A satirical website called “Republicans for Rape” is encouraging people to call the thirty Republicans who voted against Franken’s amendment, and tell them what they think about that.

Sometime later, I need to comment on the Pentagon's overuse of contractors, but that's a more complicated subject than most people think. And I'm hardly an objective observer since, if the location is right, I would sign on the dotted line. But to allow this to go on is over the line,  if you ask me.


The Atlantic has an interesting article on where the E-Reader revolution is taking us.

Today it seems to me that there are at least three major classes of popular personal technology that have yet to be fully consolidated into a modern Swiss Army Knife: cell phones and computers and I think e-readers will soon fill that trio. The arc of personal tech history dictates that functions don't remain separate for very long. Someday the idea of an e-reader designed merely to read will seem as limiting as the cell phone that doesn't receive emails or the desktop that won't fit in your satchel. It will still have an consumer audience, but it will be seen as behind the wave.


I just want to know how I can get the new stuff back fitted into my Kindle.


Did you ever come across a movie running while channel surfing, that you just had to keep coming back to? The other night after the baseball game, I did. After telling the S.O., that I did not feel like going to bed, I happened upon a movie on the Indie Channel: The Civilization of Maxwell Bright .  At first it seemed a movie right up my alley. 

Fed up with American women and determined to procure a docile Asian wife, an angry L.A. misogynist gets a mail order bride from China. Who just happens to be the ever delectable Marie Matiko:

AMC Avco Cinemas

Patrick Warburton plays the male lead-and suffice it to say, he makes me look like caring sensitive feminist advocate by comparison. At least at the beginning of the movie. There is a scene where he is arrested by a bunch of female cops that is just a classic. You have to watch that far in the movie to see it-but his quip about the female cops showing up at the crime scene is pretty funny. However-and this may be a plot spoiler- this is the Indie Channel. Our hero Max is going down at the end the movie. Still, it was a pretty interesting movie. Probably would not have paid to see it in the theater-but its worth  seeing on DVD.



And finally, like Maxwell, it would be nice if the Yankees just rolled over and accepted fate gracefully. However, especially since they are going back to New York-that's not going to happen. The "A's" better bring their A game-and even then, I'm not sure its going to be enough. However, you have to admit, last night's game was what a baseball playoff game should be-suspenseful all the way. ja ne!

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