The perfect comeback……

 A coworker and myself were down in the little cafeteria in our building, when we watched on the TV as this man verbally assaulted Arlen Specter:


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Specter missed a great opportunity to make a point. And it probably points out why more Congressmen should read the Bible. Had he had more presence of mind he could have answered thusly:

Angry crazed Teabagger: " God will judge you!!!!"

Senator: " Most  assuredly he will. That being the case-and since it appears you are a religious man-may ask then that you pray for me? For we both should honor our Lord’s injuction to forgive those who trespass against us don’t you think?"

Angry crazed Teabagger: "Hmph……. Socialist! "

Senator: "Sir, would you pray for me? I’d really appreciate it if you did that. This is a hard time for me, especially with the burden of being a public official, charged with doing what is right for all of my constituents-not just those who demand that I behave selfishly. After all, as I public official, will He not judge me more harshly for not heeding His injunction to feed the poor, care for the sick, and take care of the hungry? After all in Matthew 25:40, the Lord says,  " And the King shall answer them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethern, ye have done it unto me."

Angry crazed teabagger: " That’s not the point! God does not condone socialism!"

Senator: " Possibly. But he did command us both, to seek after and feed his sheep. After all, Jesus said, ‘I have compassion on the multitude’-That’s what this debate is all about. How to show compassion and charity to those who may need it. Isn’t it?"

Crush them with their own devices.

I thought of this while I was running today. My first reaction when I saw it on TV was to look around for the nearest Louisville Slugger-but as I was running today, I realized that’s what these douche tea-baggers want. Congressmen-as public figures, have to be smarter than that.


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