Subdued fourth…

Happy Fourth of July!

Here at Far East Cynic HQ, its not so happy a fourth of July. Two reasons for that. First, we said goodbye to my friend and teacher of the ways of corporate America, Al. His funeral was yesterday.

It was sad and it was joyous at one and the same time. Al was, I believe, a uniquely lucky man. Not so many people get to be as lucky as Al was. He had a wife that genuinely adored him-rather than simply try to control him, he had the respect of a large group of his fellows-and has had for a long, long time, and he had a beautiful family without all of the "issues" that seem to bedevil the rest of us. His wife told a great story of how their first date was to see the movie Patton. If you knew Al, you would appreciate that statement.

" I don’t know all that many happy people. What, exactly,  do they look like?"

They look like Al-but they don’t come around all that often due to the vagaries of the world we live in. Thanks be to God that some people get to be that lucky.

The second reason is that the other shoe dropped on Thursday. Since Al was working a project for our company, that is on a deadline, of next week-I, as the other company man on the floor, inherited it. Unable to legally access his computer ( nor would I have had the gall to ask) I have had to reconstruct his work from scratch. I’ve got to get it into review by Monday-as this project only has about 60 days or so get done and it has to be done right. Jobs are on the line here.

I do not mind doing this one bit-althought the S.O. is less than pleased. Its cramped our holiday weekend and left me locked in my cave for protracted periods of time. ( I have to work on it at home-I can’t do it at the office for professional and ethical reasons). I’d do a lot more for Al and his family-all they have to do is ask. ( And I suspect I will over the next couple of weeks).

I miss my pal. Work is going to be even more mind numbing than before-without the voice of common sense around.

As for the Fourth? Well, we will go see fireworks today. I’ve been listening to the history channel off and on while I’ve been typing. If you get a chance you should watch their shows on the revolution. I believe that most Americans do not realize what a close run thing American Independence was-or how close the British came to crushing this rebellion.

I also do not believe Americans really appreciate the benefits they do have-while they sink ever deeper with each passing day into the mire of uneducated and really petty politics-fed by the buffoons who purport to impart political truth. I believe the founding fathers would shake their head in disgust at what we have become-on both sides of the aisle.

So have a happy holiday. Remember those who are not really able to celebrate-as they are out on patrol around the world doing the nations business. Whether they should be where they are-is another issue. Nonetheless they are there-so remember them.

The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive.-Thomas Jefferson.


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