That's entertainment……

 Watching the Sarah Palin whining tour go on…and on……..and on.

It has been interesting the last couple of days watching the repeat of faux outrage. Two events in the last couple of days have-regretablly-brought her sneering voice back once again to the fore.

Lets deal with the easiest issue first shall we?   Find another baby to hold if you don’t like having yours photoshopped:

So Lisa, when a photo shop of Palin holding an infant was required for use in that graphic you’re saying that instead of using an existing picture of Palin holding an infant that her head should have been transplanted onto the body of another woman? Because what, the infant she was holding was her Down Syndrome child?

The more interesting broo-haha though has been The point of the photoshop did not have anything to do with her holding a special needs baby, it was just that she was holding a baby. That’s the problem with so many people like yourself. You don’t look at that picture and see her holding a baby, you see her holding a poor "retard". Then you moan and wail and gnash your teeth and feign outrage that anyone could have used poor little Trig this way, as if using a non Down’s child would have been completely different and entirely acceptable.

She most likely "willfully" used the picture of Trig because it was so famous and iconic, and it was so because Palin callously chose to bring her infant child up on stage as a campaign prop in the last election. She injected her own son into the political arena, but now that someone has used just a partial image of that action they’ve somehow crossed some imaginary line of decency with you people. Personally, I don’t think most of you have any clue where that line is located at all.

The more interesting issue is the complete outrage, that a news outlet-one with a known history of attempting to give sensastional stories-provide an interesting look at the inside of a train wreck.  Based on the information from insiders from the campaign, it provides an interesting insight into the "thrilla from Wasilla".

In the article we learn ten interesting things about the governor. Even if you are a supporter-and discount the story because of both its sources and its author, shouldn’t it be at least a little disturbing in light of the other questionable facts surrounding the Governor of Alaska?

Sexist perhaps? Maybe, but lets not forget who put the MILF factor out there on the table. Her supporters.

However, the Milfy thing cuts both ways, so don’t be surprised when those who have not drunk her moose blood kool-aid-find more than a couple of shreds of truth in the stories of her wackiness.

I’m going to overlook the backbiting from the McCain campaign for two reasons. First, it’s almost indisputably true, since no GOP heavyweight is going to risk his or her professional reputation trying to make Sarah Palin look ridiculous when Sarah Palin is doing a fantastic job of it all on her own. Second, that aspect of the story is being done to fucking death by every other blog in the universe and there’s very little that I even want to add to it. And frankly, all the really good stuff doesn’t involve the McCain people at all. What shocks me so much about the Purdum articles isn’t that so few of McCain’s staff wouldn’t go on the record with their shit-talk, but how many of Palin’s former associates in Alaska actually would.

Can’t say that I disagree with a word of it.  The supporters however are outraged. They continue to throw words like despicable,  "how its not outrage but fear",  liberal media,  and other terms.

However the problem is-it is simply one point of view.  And if Palin wants to challenge it-she can. She can dial 1-800-Libel Lawyer.

But my Canadian counterpart probably has her sized up right.

She should spend a year and a half learning how to do things like answer a question in a comprehensible way. She should turn off her television after the 11 o’clock news. And if she took an economics class, that would be nice, too.

Because that advice is actually smart, she won’t follow it. She never does. Instead, she’s trying to solidify a base of superstitious white people that is vanishing as an electoral force. On the other hand, she has brought the Republican Party around to the joys of identity politics, which is pretty funny in and of itself. Few things amuse me as much as watching people like Rush Limbaugh scream about sexism.

Trig getting photoshopped is the least of Sarah Palin’s worries. Better still to worry about the edited photo she has put forth as her poor political life.

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