Far East Cynic

Glad to see they are still in action……

The boys at Jib Jab that is.

One of the biggest misconceptions held by the idiots who write drivel on the right, is that folks like me did not understand what they were getting when they voted for Barak Obama. Quite the contrary. Obama has a big list of faults and there are some of the ideas that are either going to succeed or fail and if they fail, I for one will not be suprised.

However, one still has to remember that , for me at least, the alternative was much worse. As long as Sarah Palin was around-and John McCain was committed to Bush’s "war without end-amen"- I was backed into a electoral corner.

And if he doesn’t fix what’s ailing the economy and get us out of that worthless hell hole of Iraq-I’ll vote against him too. In the interim, however I can really enjoy something as funny as this though:


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  1. outstanding, sugar! i’d forgotten how funny jib jab can be.xoxo

    (thanks for the add on your blogroll, but y’all know i’m in savannah, ga, not singapore.)

  2. I do know that recently. When I update my links it will be fixed. Since I found you through E @ L I originally thought you were from my favorite city on the planet.