Far East Cynic

What a day……

Just got back from the baseball game. Stars crushed Chattanooga 12-1.

First, the sad news about Farah Fawcett. All though I was more of a Kate Jackson fan-all men of a certain age can remember her poster. I never had one in the room-but I wil confess to impure thoughts about all of Charlie’s Angels.

Then tonight-Michael Jackson.

The S.O., in one of those moments of brilliant understatement, kind of summed it up at dinner when she said to me:

"This will be just like Elvis. It will become its own legend."

I was startled by the aptness of her observation. I think time is going to prove her right.




  1. None. Some singer or other has died. Big deal. Smart arse little brat with vocal chords grows up to be pedophile fruitcake. Never liked much of his music – Black and White was OK, I guess – but never “got” him at all as a phenomenon.

    I also thought Elvis was an overrated goose that laid bad-eggs on demand for Col whatever.

  2. MJ will be remembered as “wasted talent”…the poor little black boy who grew up into a white woman…the peadophile, and the boy-lover, his music, his effect on things like MTV and the legacy he would have left will forever be tarnished.

  3. Beyond his undeniable musical talent, I am unable to understand what exactly he has “…contributed to humanity…”, as one celebrity phrased it, beyond some outstanding pop music and a lot of creepiness. I really can’t criticize the over-the-top lifestyle of excess, since I would think that’s all part a star maintaining his/her visibility in the public eye, and it was his money to do with as he pleased. If only he could have left the kiddies alone.

    If you have ever seen the Martin Bashir interview of MJ in 2003 and the (relatively) pointed questions about sleepovers with kids and such, well… MJ’s responses should make your skin crawl if you are anywhere near what our society would consider normal. Of course, if you’re an Afghani tribal elder, then all bets are off.

  4. Figures like this form a backdrop for our lives, whether we like them or not. Being about the same age as Skippy, I remember that poster well – who in that age group DIDN’T have impure thoughts about Charlie’s Angels?. Michael Jackson never did much for me, but his music was a major part of the 80’s soundtrack. Regardless of what came later, these figures left an imprint and while I’m not devastated, their passing makes me a little sad.

    The MJ “yuck” factor just makes the story sadder – what on earth happened to that cute little boy with the fat nose?

  5. ‘ We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever but to create something that will”