Far East Cynic

Chump change

With all the money the Navy is blowing on F-18’s and F-35’s and LCS’s  these days-they could buy the whole E-2 fleet a couple of times over:

The E-2D Hawkeye is over budget, but the Navy needs it anyway, defense officials told Congress this month.

Since 2003, the E-2D program’s unit cost grew from $163 million to $204 million, a Navy spokesman said.

I could buy more than few E-2’s for what the Navy is going to waste backfitting F-18C’s with a radar it could get by without.

Funny thing though- I never hear any fighter pilots whining about the "hummer gap".  Why is that?


  1. Come now Skippy, any federal program has to have cost overruns or it won’t get any additional funding for the next round of overruns and delays. It isn’t a good program until you overspend at least 50% of the targeted budget.

    Being an ex military man, I figured you knew how the system really works. /sarc

    Do you expect congress to acutally spend our money wisely? We both know the answer to that question.