Far East Cynic

Letterman needs to apologize

To A-Rod:

I definitely think Letterman has to apologize. To A-Rod. I mean, just because he used steroids doesn’t mean his judgment is so clouded that he’d actually consider having sex with a Palin.

Or an Alaskan.

Or a Republican.

Poor taste? Sexist? Politically incorrect? All I heard was a cheap toss-off wisecrack, common to the ranks of stand-ups and late night talk show hosts. It doesn’t have to be anything more than that unless one’s desperate to censor everybody to protect us with the immorality code they wish to impose on all of us because we’re so obviously in need of reforming.

Control freaks are like that.

From John Cole’s comments:

How exactly does someone make a joke about a woman and not be sexist? He couldn’t talk about her intelligence, that would be sexist (it would imply women are not as smart). He can’t talk about her looks, that would be sexist (it would imply women are sex objects). He can’t talk about her personality, that would be sexist (women are bitches, bimbos, etc). That is the fatal flaw of the feminist arguments against jokes, they have not presented a reasonable alternative.

Jokes are invariably negative, compliments aren’t funny. There are plentiful jokes about men that are every bit as offensive but for lacking the prism of victimhood, jokes that play off gender norms and the like. You tell me a joke about Sarah Palin that I cannot find a way to consider it sexist, and I’ll admit that Dave was out of line here.

That’s not happening anytime soon, is it?

  1. The jokes, AS JOKES, were not funny. I am old and perhaps thats the problem as I fail to understand this obsession from you, Letterman and MSNBC (which should be a sign that you are on the wrong track) with Palin. and why bring the kids into this?
    If someone attacked YOUR kids wouldn’t YOU pull a Harry Truman?
    Do liberals have kids? or do they just adopt them from third world countries?

    if you want some REALLY good jokes http://www.oldjewstellingjokes.com..no, its legit and some are more than amusing.

  2. I don’t think you getting it. Ms. Palin, as an adult, is quite capable of holding her own in the public arena as far as I can tell. I think the question is, was it appropriate for Mr. Letterman (and I am somewhat hesitant to use the title “Mr.”) to reference either of Ms. Palin’s daughters during his monologue schtick in the pursuit of cheap laughs, no matter if they are 14 or 18 years of age. And it was the 14 yr. old that attended the Yankees game.

    I haven’t heard any similar comedy routines that refer to President Obama’s daughters, I don’t expect to anytime soon, and I wouldn’t want to. Yet they are also in the public eye and, presumably, based on your train of thought, valid targets for comedic routines involving their sexual behavior or mores.

    Of course, that’s just my way of thinking. In no way would I consider myself a SME on the topic of sexual proclivities, or just what exactly a slut looks like. Now, Mr. Letterman on the other hand, having had a child out of wedlock in his mid-50’s…

  3. Sorry, should have started as “I don’t think you are getting it.”

  4. The kids get dragged into it when they are used as props for the campaign. And after the campaign when they are made poster children for an abstinence only campaign. Both sets of parents and the young lady have tried to make points over the whole getting knocked up thing and that sorta makes her fair game.

    There is absolutely no basis for the claim that the joke was about Willow instead of Bristol. He just says daughter, not a specific name or age. Given the nature of the joke, it is clear he is referring to Bristol, who is an adult and a public spokesperson on the topic of abstinence and thus demands a certain amount of ridicule about the fact that she got knocked up. It was also as much a joke about A-Rod.

    Clearly in hindsight, not the best joke to say. Letterman doesn’t suffer fools gladly, and he no doubt views Palin as a fool. (as do I).

    An additional negative side effect of all this is to keep Palin in the news. Which is what she and the crowd supporting her want. I’d much prefer she’d crawl back to Alaska and disappear.

    What bothers me is the double standard. Michele Macgangalang, Capt Ed, Hannity, and the rest say things that are equally offensive-when its about someone they don’t like-its OK. When it gets thrown back at them, they whine like babies.

    I might feel sympathetic-but this is what we have fallen to. And Sarah Palin has rolled in the mud as much as any other pig with lipstick.

  5. There is a basis for the claim that this was about Willow. They were at a Yankee game. Why would Letterman mention A-rod/ Just out of the blue? Cmon..you are a very smart man. You know what he meant. My guess is his “crack” staff, so filled with animus towards Palin, didn’t realize it was Willow and not Bristol.
    Bristol made a mistake. Like many of our young today, they think with their sexual organs and not their brains. She has told those who would listen not to follow in her footsteps. that its an enormous responsibility to have a child.
    I see no hypocrisy from HER in this regard. She acknowledges her error.
    And has tried to inform and enlighten. By your logic, we should consider reformed alcoholics/drug addicts as fair game. Didn’t Obama use drugs, Clinton, Robert Downey jr et al. But then, they are not children.
    By the way, what offensive things did Michele et al say about any pols child?

  6. “…this is what we have fallen to.”? We? I’ll remain outside the sty, thank’s very much.

  7. Phib,

    If Palin were a “strong” woman-perhaps. However if she were a strong woman she would have given as good as she got-and made some wiseass crack back at Letterman. She’s not a strong woman though-just a whiner.

    Except, that’s not what she wants here. When she goes to bed at night, she thanks the Lord above that Letterman said that on his show. She gets to fire up her base-and not have to do anything besides issue pontifications about perceived “threats” to her daughters from Letterman. And if she has a campaign contribution bank chest somewhere-donations probably just shot up. Hopefully Letterman’s rating’s took a spike too. Win-win for everyone.

    Real Question is: Did A-Rod go 3 for 3?


    Reformed alcoholics never get to take that albatross off of them. Even today-people make Ted Kennedy drinking jokes or Rush Limbaugh gets cracks about Oxycontin. Just have to learn to shrug it off and live your own life.

    Bobble-we have fallen into it. Both sides do exactly the same thing. Even Michelle Macgangalang.

  8. Yes and you Skippy,

    You shall be my nigger because you see the humor in me referring to you as such and take no offense at such an outrageous humor hook………cause, you know, it’s humorous.

    Keep it classy and keep defending the progressive point of view.

  9. Skippy,

    I find it interesting that you so easily picked up on the trap implicit in my words. Have you followed the logic through to the ultimate progressive nightmare? You admit that there can be no hate speech. There can be nothing so vile that one person can call another that can be found a crime. I don’t think your liberal progressive friends would agree with you.

    Welcome back to the warm embrace of the first amendment.