Memo to Mr. Beck…..

Today at the training I am particpating in-I walked out into the lobby so as to be re-united with my cell phone.

On the TV was a worthless douchebag Glenn Beck talking to some cherry picked guest about how America was become the Western Hemisphere’s version of the Soviet Union.  If I had a dollar for every time Beck uses the word socialist or facist, I would be rich man.

Does he even know what the word means?

By those definitions the government would own most of the property in the USA. And if you listen to Glenn Beck, you would think that was the case.

There is only one problem-its not true.

Take a look at how far gone we are:


“The hot-pink portion of this pie chart is the percentage of listed American business assets that have recently been nationalized by the American government (ie, General Motors). Obama’s version of socialism is so sneaky you can hardly see it! “

The hardest part about listening to the nonsense that passes for informed discourse these days is not losing your temper while you hear it. However slowly, but surely I am learning to breath in and breath out-and go hunt down the facts.

Won’t change Beck’s mind though. He’s making money by being a jerk-and he knows it.

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