The burgh……..

Greetings from Pittsburgh.

My son had to work yesterday getting off at 6:30 am. He took some time to sleep and then we got together. Had dinner, went to the shopping mall, figured out how to artfully dance around the emotional landmines that are ever present in our conversations. He took me to the neighborhood he works in. ( He’s a paramedic-and works at an aid station for a EMS company).

I met his girlfriend.

All in all a pretty full day.

We meet again today for the afternoon. I took the opportunity to stay downtown so I could see how the city has changed. Its changed a lot-yet it still has an oddly familar feeling. My son dropped me off at my hotel last night and I flicked on the news.

North Korea launched a missile. We did nothing-for reasons I am not entirely sure about. It did not go into space though, it seems.

3 policemen were shot and killed by a nut job in Stanton Heights here in Pittsburgh. Seems he was concerned about losing his right to keep and bear arms under the Obama administration. The city is very upset-they have not lost a policeman since 1995.

North Carolina rolled over Villanova.

U Conn-who are they?

And the S.O. was pissed I called her late-since I was out late with my son. God forbid she might be inconveinced.

I need a vacation-all by myself.

So how was your day?

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