Far East Cynic

Simple math…….

A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I was required by mother Navy to take a LOT of mathematics courses. In those years,  they had this really stupid notion that lots of math and engineering graduates somehow made for a better officer corps. As a result we have now have flag officers who can’t lead, fight their way out of a paper bag, or buy any ships.

One of the courses I had to take was an advanced calculus course-taught by my favorite French Moroccan professor. (” Zees test, it was not deeficult, I don’t know why so many of you failed it.”). For what ever reason he thought we should learn a lot about set theory-which meant we had to learn about Venn diagrams.

So it was with much amusement and a wistful smile that I came upon this particular diagram that describes the relationship between real journalism and the National Review ( or Fox News):


  1. I seem to recall a math prof with an accent as well … can’t remember his name, but damnit, you just gave me some nightmares from the dim past … palmetto trees, white buildings … *shudder*