A short note on the Oscars…

The S.O. has been engrossed in the Oscars tonight. I’m not sure why. Its not like she likes most of the movies that are being honored.

She watched the Red Carpet show -from start to finish.

We ate dinner quickly and since then she has been parked on the couch watching the actual show.

I have floated back and forth from computer to TV and back to the computer. I’m sure Slumdog will win in a walk-but can’t say as I am excited about it.  A movie about Slums in India- should be an indictment of India, especially in todays day and age when they are spending horrendous sums on weapons they don’t need.

But of course it won’t be. It will be a recognition of Indian film talent ( and British producers).

And tomorrow the usual “tut-tut” will trotted forth and the usual suspects will decry Hollywood for its narcissim and its politics.

Those two things may be true-and its quite plain that they have way too much money on their hands and not enough sense sometimes. However, at the same time, I think we would all do better if we remembered that movies exist to tell a story, to dramatize a point, or to show complicated subjects in a short time span. This year a lot of movies have done that very well-others not so well.

But it is what it is-the market pays for it. And when it is done exceptionally well-it highlights things that might otherwise be lost in the noise. So I for one, like to see movies that challenge you either in the heart or the mind. Or at least allow you to relax from the drudgery of  work life for a couple of hours.

So before we-or they- take themselves too seriously, remember the movies that we have enjoyed. And hope that some good ones come along next year.

Besides-most of the women look really hot in those designer dresses.

Got to go see Jerry Lewis now……………………………

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