Far East Cynic

My secret confession…….

Was out at Barnes and Noble today, getting some gift cards for my son. (Never shop early when you can put it off to the last minute!). I came across the Christmas gift for me:


Yes , I am ashamed to admit it, but I am a secret fan of Mad Magazine. Have been since I was 9 and my mother would go ballistic if she found them in the house.

Silly? Yes.
Stupid jokes? Yes.
Funny as all get out? You dern’ed betcha.

Gotta buy it!

And here you thought I had high brow tastes when it came to literature…………………………..

  1. Didja know you can buy a DVD-ROM that has every issue of Mad? Only $30 at Amazon.

    “Over 600 issues of Mad Magazines, (1952-2006) every regular issue (1-460), XL’s, Super Special and Color Classics. Interview with the many of the writers, Spy VS Spy animation video, Spy VS Sky Mountain Dew commercials and much more.”

    Didn’t get it yet myself. What I did get is a bit more extravagant but well worth it, the first volume in the Mad’s Greatest Artist series – The Completely MAD Don Martin. Two hard cover books, slip-cased, 1200 pages.

  2. I did not know that-although I agree with you, the DVD is probably overkill. Spy vs Spy and Don Martin would do it for me.

    Plus the parodies of songs they did………..

  3. The DVD is worth it if only to recapture the “Wretching Jackal” episode. Every person 55+ I know remembers it fondly.