Two things I wish we could vote on today.

I’m off to go stand in line soon. Shopping Mall USA is expecting its largest turnout-ever. If there is one good thing about this election its that.

I wish that I did not have to work today. Why is that? Most civilized countries vote on Sunday or give a day off for election day. Why does not the US?

Here is something else I’d like to get a concensus on. Change the regular baseball season to 148 games. Having the World Series the same week as Halloween is lunacy. The boys of summer should not be throwing fast balls when they can’t feel their hands.

But what about the record books?

What about them? Barry Bonds and anebolic steriods made the records suspect anyway. Having a shorter season might actually have a benefical effect by making every at bat count more.

What’s more important it would bring the World Series back to early October and the playoffs to late September. Since the playoffs are already a week longer than they used to be- that’s a good thing.

So lets take a poll-what say all of you?

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