It ain’t over till its over…….

Greetings from the B terminal of DFW. Waiting to catch a flight back to Hicksville. We finished up early today. Sad-I had hope to visit the boneyard. However thanks to events I need to be back at my cube tomorrow, pounding away at Power Point. None the less I stand by my point, it ain’t over till its over.

The election that is. I am astounded at all of the articles that say its too late for McCain to catch up. Nonsense.To those folks I offer two words: Hubert Humphrey. Or Ronald Reagan.

Besides, the Rethuglicans will  not go quietly into that great good night. Never underestimate the paranoia of the their hypocrites  “base”. You can see it in the increasing use of the words Marxism and Socialism-to describe Obama. If Obama is a Socialist, I’m Warren Buffet. They just want to scare you.

Plus, I still think it is not out the realm of possibility that GWB will spring an “October Suprise” on us.

McCain did nothing to sway me last night.  Increasingly he is sounding like a stuck record. He had a good line about not being George Bush-but it missed the point. He loves Bush’s war. And the rest of his miserable record.

Let me be candid: McCain lost me when he picked that worthless whore to be his running mate. There were lots of talented people he could of picked.

Sarah Palin is not one of them.

And as for Joe the plumber? If you start making over 250,000 a year-cough it up pal. I need the money. Got  an ex-wife to feed. McCain has no such worries being married to wealth.

But if I were Obama, I would pound the stuffing out of my staff. And be very nervous. All it takes now is one gaffe, one slip, one bad break in the news cycle. He has to run hard all the way-he’s not yet made the sale.

Ought to be an interesting 3 weeks.

My mind is made up. Sorry John, the guy in 2000 who attacked the evangelicals as the useless zealots they are- I liked. The guy on the TV last night? I spent the whole night pointing my middle finger at him.

Its time for a change ……and a repudiation of the last eight years.  If by voting for Obama, I can send a hearty “fuck you” to Bush and to the rest of the crowd who led this  country down several ratholes-Iraq, GTMO, the economy-it will be worth it.

Its not going to be a fun four years. However I’ve had it with the party I am still a member of. I hate the so-called “base” and they are anything but smart thinking Americans. Morons is the more correct word. Its going to take a defeat to make them suffer enough to come back to the center.

So on November 4th, I’ll do my part to make those bastards pay.

Gotta run for the plane!

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