Spread the word……..

I came across this little tidbit a couple of days ago. I sent it over to Phibian because I knew he could capture in writing, the proper level of outrage that this particular type of thinking by our once great Navy deserves.

Go read the particulars over at Phibs’s place-here. I’ll wait for you to read it and come back.

If you are not outraged when you read that swill-then you have either never served in the military, or have missed the boat on what is fair and reasonable. If you are outraged-join the club. You should be.

This has particular meaning for me because I sat on two selection boards in my naval career-and this kind of thing corrupts the process. The last board I sat on had no minority markings on records-which is at it should be. “Best qualified” should mean exactly that. Regardless of skin color.

That the US Navy puts it in writing-and in effect creates a program of affirmative action is plainly disgusting. The services are supposed to be better than this.

This type of mis-direction by senior naval leadership has to be stopped. And it will be stopped if it sees the light of day, and the current bunch PPT wizards at our 3 and 4 star levels are made to understand that the armed forces are not a laboratory for someone else’s social agenda. The only way they will be made to understand is if they know that they cannot hide behind the veil of “better business practice”.

So spread the word. Write your Congressman. Write the Chief of Naval personnel. Write the CNO. Blog about it, talk to your friends about it. This is the kind of thing that people should be fired for. Its racism pure and simple. That’s right RACISM.  The Navy started down this path in 1993 by not sticking to its best instincts.

It happened with women-there were quotas in effect then-instead of what was planned which was to bring women in the force at entry levels and make them pay their dues and earn respect.  The more senior women whined-they were going to miss their golden opportunity.  So the Navy turned tail and reversed its common sense decision.

It is continuing to happen today. Good people of all skin tones will get screwed by a system that creates preferred customers.

Don’t let it stand. Demand that someone be fired. I have two nominations, here and here.

This is so wrong on so many levels. Speak out.

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