Oh to hell with it.

I can’t stand it-I tried,  but I just can’t stay out of the pool. I accept the validity of what Spike says here:

The current bump in the polls for Republicans that is credited to Sarah Palin shows the ignorance of so many American voters, who are going with their emotions rather than with logic. The majority of the country is diametrically opposed to everything she stands for but giving her good marks because of her looks and the packaging that Karl Rove has done. Biden can’t even get any column inches in the “liberal media” because Palin is dominating coverage at the moment.

Otherwise, this would be getting more play and resonating with more voters:

The silence on things that matter is “deafening”.

But every one loves a pig-with lipstick!

Which is why I love this game!

  A pig with lipstick is still a pig. Sorry Sarah-You want to play with the men-then play by their rules. Or does the double standard only go one way? It would seem so.

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