Far East Cynic

Great news for McCain.

Personally I kind of like Biden’s candor and the fact that he talks long is not such a bad thing. But in an election like this one, where the electorate is stupid challenged to understand the issues-it does not buy Obama a thing. In fact it undercuts the whole change thing because he went with the Convetional Wisdom.

Should have taken Hillary and keep you enemies close to your chest.  Since that was not going to happen, probably should have taken the governor of Virgina.

Although John Cole may have a point:

I rate [Biden] as the person most likely of all the VP possibles to call Mitt Romney an asshole. Others are hoping for a casual “m____ f_____.” Either way, I call that a win.

I stand by what Clara said:

  1. I rate [Biden] as the person most likely of all the VP possibles to call Mitt Romney an asshole.

    Well, at least Biden has that going for him….

  2. No matter who wins, theirs will be a 1 term presidency. If Obama wins, after his policies are revealed, and his inability to provide solid solutions and his blaming “I have to try to undo 8 years of Republicans and GW Bush” gets old and played out, he will be like Jimmy Carter and not get re-elected. On Nov. 5, 2008, the 2012 election will start with Bill & Hillary throwing the first punch. Biden was the strongest candidate in the field for the Dems this year after Obama and Hillary, and by placing him on the ticket, that cuts him out of the race for 2012, leaving it wide open for Hillary.

    If McCain wins, then I suspect he will only do 1 term because of his age. His VP choice had better be a solid well liked choice. I like Lieberman, but I don’t think the US is ready for an Independent party president. Same as I quoted above, Nov 5, 2008 Bill & Hillary will shoot the first shot in 2012. Their statement will be to the effect: “Hillary had the white Blue collar voters in hand and Obama/Biden lost them. She could have carried those states.”

    Just my opinion, but I think McCain will win this one.

  3. Maurice, don’t you think that the Bill & Hill show for 2012 will start this Tuesday and Wednesday night?

    “Change”? So we get a Senator that has been part of the entrenched politicians(problem). Have any of these guys resigned their current positions(and I mean all three) to show their commitment to their running for highest office?

    Joe is busy going through other’s speeches to make sure he finds a good one to use.

  4. Cy-Kick, you are correct. The 2012 campaign will start on Tuesday when the Bill & Hillary show gets underway in Denver. Just like my favorite TV show “Battlestar Galactica” they will do a mid-season hiatus from 2008-2012, and resume in Jan 2012.

    The Democrat convention should be fun to watch.

  5. One of the problems with the current Dem ticket is that it is backward-Biden seems like he should be at the top of it. That Obama and Hillary got more votes than Biden is one of the Dem’s problems.

    For both McCain and Obama the issue of the election will center on a few battleground states-Its going to be close in terms of the electoral college just like 2004.

    My problem is that McCain is right-we are worse off than 4 years ago and it galls me to see the party in power get rewarded for that. I want to see Bush and everything about him and his legacy repudiated by the electorate. That is what should have happened in 2000.

  6. I like Biden and think he’s a pretty amiable, intelligent and cogent speaker, but I really can’t see what else he brings to the table for Obama tactically. I mean, Obama may be trying to move beyond ‘the same old politics’, but he’s also a canny smooth operator and knows what needs to be done to get elected which makes this choice even more confusing. Biden doesn’t even win Obama an important swing state or a large constituency (as Richards may have done with Hispanic voters). Also, a Biden ticket doesn’t even move away from Washington style politics as usual considering he’s been on Capitol Hill for over 30 years! I think a popular governor of a crucial swing state would have been much more helpful and I fail to see what advantages Obama gets from this for the election, even though I do think Biden would be a good vice president, which I guess is the most important thing really.