Far East Cynic

One more reason I don't understand engineers…….

  1. Obviously, in context it’s a billboard promoting abstinence in youth…you could just as easily substitute “doctor” or “lawyer” for “engineer.”
    However, out of context, hilarity ensues. All the more so due to my initial foray into engineering and subsequent running away screaming towards liberal arts.

  2. I think that is exactly what the poster is about and is part of an abstinence program. Which is pretty interesting when one considers that thanks to engineers, there are ways to have sex and still become an engineer.
    Better living through technology. That probably would make a better recruiting slogan.

  3. Bwahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ‘Course I work with a bunch of engineers, and I suspect that they hit the nail on the head (and although I ,too, am an engineer I consider myself an exception).

  4. I think the point of the bill board was that it was probably targeted to minorty youth. I know this goes contrary to the MSM idea, but in the Black neighborhoods, there is still a surprisingly amount of teenage pregnancies. So the one way to try to combat this is through an education campaign to try to prevent these cases.
    The fact that this bill board shows a young Black male, leaves me to guess that it is displayed in an “urban neighborhood” (since let’s be honest, in a “non-urban” area, you don’t have liqour stores, you have “spirit shops” and in these same areas, you normally don’t see bill board sized ads anymore, something to do with destroying the ambiance of the area). If they really want to cut to the heart of the matter, the display should show a young Black female, telling her not to have sex with: 1) an older Black male, who is probably a “star athlete (since if the kid is really determined to be an engineer, he probably has his hands full trying to take more advanced classes than what are typically offered in his “urban” school); 2)don’t have sex with a guy who has no job, and probably has children all ready; and the biggie 3) if you have sex, use a condom.
    But, you will never see this type of campaign presented since on the left, they all want to see Blacks as victims (in order to tell them that if you vote for me, we will correct our wrongs by more “benefits” and on the right, the sin of pre-maritial sex (show me a truly right wing person who actually waited to get married before they had sex, and I will support them 100%)