Oil and water……..

I retract everything I wrote in the previous post.

No fireworks happened when S.O. met offspring of yours truly. True you could cut the tension with a knife-but no rudeness ensued. Polite remarks all around.

So why am I blogging when I have to drive 6 hours tomorrow to a small town in rural N.C.? No waiting till we get back to Shopping Mall USA for the emotional punching bag routine-let the games begin now.

Every time I think I have her figured out-I get kicked in the head.

Lets just start hating each other now, skip the preliminaries, and avoid the Christmas rush.”

Know its all about ownership issues and resentments of other worlds, dogs and cats, Mars and Venus, fire and gasoline. O yea baby, tell me again Oriental women are submissive.

I’ve got property in the Everglades to sell you………………..

But can’t we just all get along till Thursday?”

Welcome to the Jungle!

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