A funny thing happened on the way to the forum.

I was going to post my “In praise of the S.O. post”  tonight, but a couple that has been very nice to us-asked us to go with them to a Nomiya. ( A drinking and eating restaurant). Suffice it to say the post will have to wait till tomorrow. This was their sayonara gift to us-and we had a great time. Suffice it also to say that after a large bottle of sake and several large draft beers, not every brain cell is working.

A classmate of our (Japanese) friend, runs this establishment and he has some really cool mugs. It has kanji all around the outside and they are all combinations of the kanji for sake and something else. In hiragana is a funny meaning of the combined kanji. The funniest was :sake +onna (woman)=tenkoku(heaven). 🙂

Unique item of the evening two: eating pieces of fish, laid across a gutted fish whose head and tail are still moving. You have not lived till you have eaten sashimi from a fish that is dying at your table. I’m sure somewhere there is a PETA activist who wants to slay me-but truth be told, it was good sashimi.

Got to go to sleep-or at least convince the S.O its time to go to sleep………………..Wish me luck!

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