Far East Cynic

We're back!!!!!!!

Lots to blog about-and no time today to blog about it. It will take a couple of posts to describe the past couple of days-but suffice it to say that:
1) Okaasan was impressed that a this Gaijin could talk to her in Japanese. And she was generally impressed with what a great guy I am.
2) I gained unique insights into the S.O. and her S.O. ness…….
3) Japanese Ryokans are really cool! Thing number 326 I will miss about Japan.
Got to run!
But I would just like to note , for Lex, the benefits of a proper liberal arts military education were recognized yet again.

  1. Of course.
    I should have been a touch more clear: VMI is obviously the superior school, so that was the basis of my comment.
    I GUESS the Citadel works…:)

  2. You know, I have never been to Charleston, but I have absolutely NO doubt that it is more fun than Lexington ever could hope to be…
    That being said, I assume that it was more fun back in the “Old Corps” than today.