The waiting……

Nothing to do but blog…………. 

Could not get out today-I’m confirmed on a flight tomorrow. Incheon-Chicago-Raleigh Durham. Next morning fly to Tampa, Florida with my sister. She suggested that we split a room down there to save money-I told her I’m pretty set in my ways and with this I’ll be a night owl. For her sanity and mine we will get two rooms. I told her I would pay-its worth it to me.

So I am sitting here with pretty much not much to do. Surf the net-watch TV-suitcase was never unpacked really. Called up my colleagues and asked them if they wanted to go to dinner-I need to do something.

To everyone who has given their good wishes-THANK YOU. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. Lest you think its unappreciated-it is.

I think this is really hard for my parents. They have now outlived two of their children and that was never in their plan for all of us kids.  There were five of us-now there are 3. And, as I told SJS-at the rate the rest of us are going they may outlive us all………

In our family because of the age differences and circumstances, my parents have been the “anchor” so to speak. They are the single point of unification. We are not a close family. My oldest 3 sisters are/were close because they had shared childhood experiences. They were pretty much grown and in college when I was running around the neighborhood. Because of some unique circumstances and choices my sister Kim made-most of the rest of us have not seen her in many years. I have not seen her in person since 1991. It is a long story and it  is not really a good one. But I am indeed shocked by this turn of events. From what my other sister told me things were looking up for her. 

I feel useless right now. I have to wait till tomorrow to catch the bus-it really seems inappropriate to go out booming and the work was only supposed to start tomorrow. Now I have had to dump that on my co-workers-however their response has been amazing, as has the support of those above me. Even though I am leaving next month-they did not hesitate, they told me to get my ass on a plane.

So sitting and writing is kind of a good therapy. For those of reading-thank you for listening. I hope you all have a great weekend! 

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