Heading out with the S.O. this weekend for some pre Christmas revelry. Golf? -yes. Posting?-probably not. Hopefully we will support this worthy endeavor.
However I did come across this little tidbit on the Navy Times web site.
As many as nine of the Navy’s 26 three-star admirals could retire by the end of summer as part of a series of moves by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead, sources tell Navy Times.
Any guesses as to who’s going and who is staying? Or better yet who should be going-tomorrow.
Here’s my bets:
Pretty sures:
Cotton (Chief NAVRES)
Morgan (OPNAV N3/N5)
Rondeau (Deputy CDRUSTRANSCOM) – maybe, there’s the gender thing at work
Sullivan (COMNAVSEASYSCOM) – Phib would be pleased
Harvey (Chief NAVPERS) – ditto
Cosgriff (NAVCENT/5th Flt)
Chanik (2nd Flt)
Murret (Director, NGA)
Then again, I always was lousy at Vegas when I went to the Tailhook conventions 😉
That concurs with what my well placed friends think. It ignores a few good candidates though who need to be sent packing as well:
Tony Winns-he should have gone away as a one star.
Nichols could go away too-IMHO.
Conway,- and while you are at it make CNIC go away entirely. Return the bases to the type commanders.
Come to think about it, if you made a 33% cut in the total number of flag officers that would be the best thing the CNO could do to improve the effeciency of the Navy.
Remind me again, since I’ve be retired now for 7 years….When we downsized the Fleet and lost all those billets, how many Flag billets went away? Merry Christmas
I don’t think it’s a worthy endeavor. I didn’t think it was a worthy endeavor last year. However, I hope you have fun.
Maybe not-but speaking as a man-any excuse to get one is Ok with me. 🙂
That’s why I told you to have a good time anyway.
It slays me how cynical you are. You are so sure that only men care about any excuse to get one……when that shite came up last year, my counter protest wasn’t “NO ORGASM”. Instead, I hijacked it and made it “ORGASM FOR VICTORY!” I told my readers “I propose that you cause and/or share an orgasm with a sailor, soldier, airmen, marine or veteran of the U.S. Military. Their website focuses on fleet buildup in the Persian Gulf, so please pay special attention to sailors and marines. To be sure that you achieve the best possible orgasm, please practice as much as possible in anticipation of the big day.”
Now that’s something to orgasm about!
Man, the reduction of flag officers. That would be glorious!!!
I really did not care about the cause they were supporting. Just the getting laid part. In that regard, I am an equal opportunity lech.
Dumb question–how many 3* retire in an average year anyway? Especially since the 4* just recently all fell into place, pretty much?
I mean, I know they tend to stay in place until statutory (mando retirement) ejection, but still…
I think it depends on who you are talking about. Some stay till they have to leave because they enjoy the life. Others leave as soon as it becomes obvious the road is no longer paved for them. . But I don’t think its 9 in one year. Then again Vern Clark kept so many people past when they should have left-who knows?
One thing I applaud Mullen and Roughhead is that slowly but surely they were erasing the legacy of Clarks bad ideas and the gutting of the Navy.