Learn something new every day…………..

On my way back to Korea, to look for a new job to finish my part of the project. Saying I am depressed is more than an understatement.

However one of the reads that cheers me up every day is from the Canadian Skippy who writes a snappy blog called Enjoy Every Sandwich. I heartily recommend it to you. He writes well and its really funny.

You also learn all kinds of new things.

Such as, I never knew Amy Fisher did a sex tape.

Amy was never one to do things halfway. Not for her the surreptitious schtuppings that most of us who have sex with married partners settle for. Fisher had to shoot Joey’s wife in the face. And that’s where the news – and the fun – really started. Amy Fisher was to be forevermore known as the “Long Island Lolita,” despite the fact that Nabokov’s heroine was only 12. And didn’t shoot anyone in the face. And that the name “Humbert Humbert” doesn’t inspire half as many involuntary giggles as “Joey Buttafuoco” does.

He’s also written a spot on analysis of Hillary Clinton. It is the best dissection of her I’ve read to date.

Just because I think that Hillary Clinton is the next likely occupant of the Oval Office doesn’t mean that I necessarily have to like it. In fact, I loathe that goddamn woman with every fibre of my being. Unfortunately, I’m cursed with the ability to separate what I would to like to see happen with I think actually will.I thought Bob Dole was the coolest guy alive and might have actually gotten something done as president. But I was never crazy enough to think that he was actually going to beat Hillary’s husband. Shit, Mr. Bill was so far ahead that he had actually started dating again. Maybe you read about it somewhere.Anyone who underestimates the Clinton family is either dangerously drunk or a fucking fool. Repeating the mantra that “half the country hates her” doesn’t particularly help your cause, either. Half the country hated her husband, too. That didn’t stop him from winning twice and he was very possibly the most flawed person ever nominated by a major party. If he were alive today, even Bill’s fellow Arkansan, Wilbur Mills, would be aghast at how wrong in almost every way Bill Clinton was.

That sums that up pretty well. Mr Obama here are your talking points for the next debate:

The fact is that over the last twenty years the Clintons have built the most brutally effective political machine in human history. They took an admitted draft dodger and beat not one, but two certified war heroes with him. In the White House, the Clintons could barely get out of bed without doing something so ethically questionable that it invited congressional hearings, but he still left office with an approval rating in the neighbourhood of Reagan’s. And Clinton was actually impeached whereas Reagan merely should have been.

Hillary has been beating all comers within her own party by some thirty points for nearly a year, and she’s been doing it on the basis of the most demonstrably silly argument in the entire history of politics. That would be her “experience.”

I’m of the mind that if your spouse is experienced at something, it doesn’t necessarily follow that you are. After all, nobody was begging Gail Zappa to strap on a guitar and make really cool records after Frank died. Rudy Giuliani has been married 36 times and none of his wives are currently running New York City, although one of them did have custody of Gracie Mansion for a time.

But wait, there’s more. Regarding Hillary’s supposed experience:

Let’s not be coy here, Hillary Clinton was elected to the United States Senate for one reason and one reason alone: her husband got a blowjob and a ward-heeling huckster like Charlie Rangel correctly assumed that this translated into an easy senate seat. And it was easy. She was drawing even with Giuliani and beat Rick Lazio by thirteen points in a state where she had never before lived.

That barely qualifies as enough experience to host a daytime talk show let alone become leader of the free world. But she’s doing her best to convince you otherwise.

“We have so many issues to deal with,’’ she said. “I’ve traveled the world on behalf of our country. I’ve met with countless world leaders and know many of them personally.”

That’s just a touch misleading. Point of fact, her husband travelled the world and met countless world leaders. Hillary just happened to be on the plane and ignored Bill’s extracurricular activities. The only things that she negotiated in the White House were a disastrous health care plan that nearly destroyed Bill’s presidency and the terms under which she wouldn’t get a divorce.

Read the whole thing!

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