Working your way up the ladder……..

I went out running this afternoon. Had spent the day in work trying to get some non-Korean related things done before I go back to the killing of trees in the name of allied unity. When your children are deprived of oxygen someday, and the sceptics have finally woken up to the reality of global warming, you may rest assured that I did my part!

 Now that I have my I-pod, I have discovered that I actually don’t mind running so much. The music helps take my mind off of how really lousy I feel while running, plus the little jaunt-accompanied by some hard hitting rock and roll helps me to channel my anger. Lately there is a lot of anger flowing through my consciousness.

Which was going to lead me to writing a good old fashioned rant filled post. However after a couple glasses of this:

Don’t usually drink Scotch, but tonight I felt like it!

I was in a much mellower mood. And tomorrow is Thanksgiving. A friend has been kind enough to invite us over for dinner. I’m excited because like the dad in A Christmas Story, I am a turkeyholic, and I don’t get a lot of turkey over here. ( At least not without the prefix ‘Wild’ in front of it!). So its time to have some fun.

Which leads to the following video, courtesy of Japan Probe. This is from a Japanese TV show and the subject of this broadcast is that of finding beautiful women. The idea behind the show is “to find a pretty girl and have her introduce the host to a friend she considers better-looking than herself, repeating the process until that country’s most beautiful woman is found” . Seems to have worked. This was shot in Taiwan.

Speaking of pretty women, I still have not figured out how this site-somehow got linked to me. However I am not complaining. (NFSW).

Happy Thanksgiving!

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