The time has come the Walrus said…..

“The traveller’s-eye view of men and women is not satisfying. A man might spend his life in trains and restaurants and know nothing of humanity at the end. To know, one must be an actor as well as a spectator.”-Aldous Huxley.

On this trip I am going to try to do both. On a trip I do not want to make.   For at least the next few days I will be my secret bunker near Spike’s place-and that I always like!

After that though it is a descent into the wells of mediocrity to work on my Korea project and contemplate again the morass I have gotten myself into and seek further my escape strategy.

So its time to gird up my loins with beer and prepare for the struggle ahead. In the meantime I will make a challenge to you. Guess how many times I will ride the MTR and I will donate 5 dollars a time in your name to Valour IT.-for the Navy team. Closest to the pin wins! Go for it and help make me spend money. Guesses have to be posted in the comments box by 6 pm JST Saturday.

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