What's going on in Burma.

Got home yesterday and this was all over the news:

This is video of Japanese reporter Kenji Nagai being shot at point blank range by a Burmese soldier. The photojournalist was one of nine killed and 11 injured when the military junta ordered troops to fire into a crowd of pro-democracy demonstrators.
Even after being shot, Nagai attempted to continue video taping the attacks on protesters.
Today internet nodes out of Burma were cut.
I always find it interesting that while one of the reasons that the US invaded Iraq was to stop a brutal dictator-equally violent dictatorships continue elsewhere.  I personally do not believe that short of an invasion by India and China of Burma, little will change here-it will take more than Buddhists monks to bring the government down. Nonetheless, I continue to find it more a than a little hypocritical to say that we “had” to enter Iraq to change the middle east-while the US (as well as all of Asia) turns a blind eye to what goes on in other places.
Could not be anything to do with the oil? Nope, didn’t think so either.

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