Happy Birthday to me!

50 years. I guess this means I have to stop calling older Japanese men oji-san and just acknowledge I have become one myself.

Part of my horoscope was correct today. This morning when we woke up, it was-in contrast to what NHK had said-a beautiful day. The S.O. and I both decided that golf should be on the menu-particularly because I am getting screwed out of it next weekend to be behind the great firewall in Korea. ( Then again, I’ll be free to go to my favorite little pub for St Patty’s day so I guess that means there is balance in the force).

The S.O. gave me a nice card and a tie. Funny, when she crossed a major milestone birthday, I gave her a trip to Germany. Where is the justice in the world? I sure hope there is another reward out there somewhere. She wrote the card all in Japanese. That I could read it and understand it-well that’s an accomplishment I am extremely proud of. It was a nice note.

More tomorrow-my older, and probably no wiser stomach is growling. We should have gone out to dinner, BUT, I got suckered by the S.O. into taking her to a re-cycle store after golf. I thought someone else was the one supposed to be getting used this day?

A couple of folks went a couple of parsecs out of their way to pay me a visit though:

Here’s to me!

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