And I’m in my hotel doing laundry………….What the hell is that all about?
Had to work today-off tomorrow. Then back at it for another 6 days. Tell me again about bad choices, I don’t think I heard the warnings the first time.
Then again, its not so bad a day when:
Navy beats Army and I get to lord it over a bunch of Army guys (and a couple of Air Force pogues).
USC gets knocked out of the National Championship.
WVU wins.
I am in Hawaii…..I just need a better set of working hours.
Nothing to post really. I have a lot to say-just not time to say it till next week. I have just enough time to get a beer (or 4), dinner, then off to sleep. Tomorrow though……..FORE!!!!!!
All I need now is one of these:
A serious post tomorrow……..after all I read today that it turns out even Donald Rumsfeld was begining to realize that Iraq was a mess….who would have thought it?
But hey, Maliki is the right guy for Iraq—–GW said so………………..