Far East Cynic

Richard Quest=moron!

Chalk up another candidate for my trusty Louisville Slugger:


This guy had a job that I would kill for. Jet around the world, usually in first class or on a private plane, and then tell everyone else how to have a marvellously expensive good time. What’s not to like about that?  And since this job pays you well, you can slice off more than your fair share of tuna-albeit discretely of course-and leave a trail of women sobbing around the globe.

Like I said what’s not to like?

So for the life of me-I just cannot understand taking a great gig like that and pissing it away because……….wait for it……….you are a gay cokehead.

Going to have to get my Gadar fixed-I sure as hell did not see that coming.

My Canadian counterpart did however:

I haven’t been able to watch CNN much this week. The only real stories are that Barack Obama’s saying something stupid, Hillary Clinton is shrill, and the entire state of Texas is under arrest for polygamy and suspected child-rape. I’m not sure how to break this to you fine folks, but none of that is exactly news. All of those stories have been rather well known for several years now. And if you aren’t very well versed in history, the United States Congress twice refused to annex Texas for a reason.

Not watching CNN, I haven’t seen Richard Quest for some time now, and I’m a better man for the experience. Mr. Quest is far better suited for a Brighton game show than he is what pretends to be a serious news organization. He’s loud, obnoxious, overly excited about the trivial, and annoyingly British.

I wasn’t overly shocked to learn that Richard is a gay man either. If you’re English and not Keith Richards, I automatically assume that you love the cock. I’ve just found it easier that way. Maybe it’s because I can’t see how any woman would fuck someone with teeth like that. Also, his name actually is Dick Quest. Things like that are pretty hard to overlook.

What I didn’t know is that Richard Quest is more than loud, obnoxious, overly excited about the trivial, and annoyingly British. He’s so much more. He’s a refined gentleman, devoted to life’s baser persuits and therefore a guy I can relate to.

A more detailed analysis follows.

Trolling Central Park with drugs? OK I can understand that (well, not really…………). But the rope? And the sex toy? Call me boring, but I can do just fine without assistance thank you very much.  I know what the rope is for, as my counterpart points out-everyone should. I just don’t think its really necessary if you ask me.

A beautiful, naked woman works just fine.


If CNN needs a new broadcaster to fill in-you know where to find me. And the only place you will find me stumbling around at 3am is Orchard Towers. Think of the money the network could save.


  1. Fat chance of them hiring you. You forgot to mention the REAL reason Quest wasn't fired immediately after this fiasco: He's Jewish. He works at CNN which is nothing but a propaganda arm of The Zionists. Head reporter Wolf Blitzer (himself an Israeli-firster and rumored-to-be Mossad double-agent) has filled CNN with nothing but people with dual Israeli nationality; the rot started with Ted Turner selling off his share of the network – then every reporter who knew his job and was genuinely unbiased was either fired, ignored until they left or shafted into a role they were uncomfortable with and gradually shunted off air and into obscurity – a classic example was Peter Arnett (who was their STAR reporter during the 1991 Gulf War – back when they did REAL news) who was fired from CNN after his expose on Operation Tailwind – ands was then fired later on from NBC when he stated on Iraqi TV that the war 'has failed' (WOW – a Jouralist fired for telling the truth! Amazing!). No, this loon Quest (who was referred to in my household as 'Mr. Bean' – a more fitting monicker!) will be kept on despite the fact that he's a complete idiot who only got the job due to his Oxford education (his interview where he tried to pass himself off as an expert in aviation and claimed that he loved to fly first class in a Boeing 787 – even though there is NO first class – only business class was telling of his ignorance) purely on the basis of the nepotism afforded by being a Zionist. Especially when somone like Octavia Nasr gets fired for simply expressing her opinion!


    P.S. There's no chance of them hiring you. They don't want any chance of a jilted ex-girlfrind of yours filing a 'sexual harrasment' suit at you (which to them is more embarrasing than you getting caught with meth in your pockets!) – which explains why they hire so many gay dudes (Anderson Cooper is gay as well) employe dthere. Perhaps if you show up at the job intrview with a rope around your jewels and meth in your pockets you'll get the job!

  2. People on the reception should also wear cheap scrubs, as hospital is a place where anything and everything bad comes up suddenly and you never know till when you will have to run in that hectic working day..

  3. I agree completely with jaykayDX in his assessment of Richard Quest. Quest is a “pompous ass” (as they say in jolly olde), as well as being a royal pain in the ass. He is a self-appointed expert on everything, except being able to find a gay sex partner in New York’s Central Park at 3 am (which he was detained for by the NYC police). Don’t get me wrong… I have nothing against being gay; I am gay myself. But Quest is a stereotypical gay, full of himself and always spouting off with that ridiculous British accent. He definitely gives faggots a bad name! By the way, just like in the US, Britain has different accents, depending on class and locale. Quest gives himself away as being a COCKNEY when he calls Obama “Obamer”. And Cockney is the LOWEST of all the classes in Britain. Uneducated dolts, for the main part. I though we were DONE with Quest, but tonight he came back in the CNN special about the Malaysia Airlines flight disappearing. Too bad…I was looking forward to watching the program til Quest immediately stuck his face in the camera. I just shut it off. I won’t put up with his RUBBISH at all! Hopefully, the program was taped before Quest was dismissed. Which he hopefully WAS, and tonight was just some tape they already had in the can. Go back to Central Park, Quest, where you might find somebody that likes you! Or, even better, maybe this time you’ll actually get arrested, and thrown in the slammer where LUBE isn’t on the menu!

  4. Richard Quest.
    Every times he appears on tv I switch immediately to other channel. I just do not understand, what is he doing in that very prestige CNN. He is talking like a clown, I hardly understand what he is saying. Let him open his own clown channel. It’s just a very very shame that he represents CNN.

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